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hope you guys enjoy! this is kind of just a filler chapter, but i hope you like it anyways! <3 

It had been a good week for Preston Oliver. 7 days of pure happiness. 

But all good things must come to an end. 

Preston woke up that fateful Tuesday morning and sighed as he looked at the date. Today was the day he went back to court and discussed the pregnancy. The day he had to see Kyliegh's face again. Like I said, all good things must come to an end. 

Preston shut his eyes once more, not ready to wake up quite yet. He drifted off to sleep. 


It was 10 AM. Indigo walked into the guest room to see her boyfriend sleeping peacefully on the bed. She smiled lightly and sat on the edge of the bed, lightly pushing his hair out of his face. His eyes fluttered open and he shot her a small smile. 

"Time to get up, babe." She stated. His smile faded. 

"Do I have to?" He asked miserably. She frowned. 

"Where's the happy Preston?" She asked sadly. 

"You know what day it is?" He asked, looking away, anxiety in his features. 

"I know. But try to stay calm for as long as you can, and everything will be fine." She reassured. He sighed and sat up, stretching. Indigo and him shared a passionate kiss. "Come on, lets get some breakfast." 


Two hours later, Indigo found herself back in the guest room Preston had been staying in. He was wearing a nice simple dress shirt and jeans and Indigo was wearing a simple black dress. 

She rubbed his back and the boy closed his eyes, tensing up. 

"Babe, it'll be alright." She affirmed. He shook his head, tear falling to the wood floor beneath him. Indie sighed. He sat on the bed and she sat behind him, massaging his tense shoulders. When she felt him relax slightly, she relocated next to him and wiped the falling tears before kissing him on the cheek. 

He tried a smile. His lip quivered in doing so. Indigo hugged him tightly but gently. 

"It'll be alright." 


Here they were. Back at it again. 

The Downey's and Oliver's were sitting behind Preston and his attorney. The Curran's were seated across from the Downey and Oliver families. Kyliegh's attorney was seated at his spot. Officer Felisha stood towards the entrance of the court room, thinking her own thoughts. 

A few minutes later, chains were heard rattling. Preston tensed. Even that sound made him uneasy after being handcuffed to that bed on that terrible night. 

Kyliegh was led into the room, handcuffed, by a police officer. The officer sat her down next to her attorney and stood behind the girl's chair. Everyone sat in silence, and it certainly wasn't a comfortable silence. 

Moments later, the bailiff rose. 

"All rise." She said. Everyone did as they were told. The judge entered and sat behind his desk. He sat and announced that everyone could be seated. They again did as they were told. He banged his gavel loudly on the desk. 

"Court is in session." He announced to the room. "Today, we discuss what will happen with Kyliegh Curran and Preston Oliver's baby after birth." Preston cringed at the words. "The main decision is up to Mr. Oliver, but if I must take matters into my own hands, I will not hesitate to do so. Mr. Dean, what would your client like to do with this baby." 

Mr. Dean, Preston's attorney, rose. 

"As a statement from Preston himself, he would like to have the baby be born and live with Kyliegh, but be a part of its life as necessary." Mr. Dean explained.

"Mr. Oliver, is this true?" The judge asked, turning to the young boy. 

"Yes." His voice came out at a whisper. The judge nodded. 

"I'd like to discuss the matter with both attorneys and officer Felisha. Clear the room, you may come back shortly." The judge said, hitting the gavel on the desk. 

The entire group exited the room, sitting outside the court room. A girl sitting with her parents from across the room whispered and pointed. 

"Look, mom, its Preston Oliver." She whispered. Preston gulped and kept his head down. Indie set a comforting hand on his back. 

"Its okay, breathe." She offered. He did as he was told and steadied his shaky breaths. Preston spoke lightly to officer Felisha. Shannon Curran, Kyliegh's father was glaring daggers at Preston the entire time. 

RDJ noticed it and eventually snapped. 

"Stop looking at my future son in law with that look in your eyes just because your daughter did something to him that he'll never be able to forget. Look away, asshole. He's under enough stress, enough pressure right now, and he doesn't need to add you to that list. So avert your eyes and leave the boy alone. He's just a kid." Robert stated angrily, glaring at the man. The man faltered and looked away. Preston looked at RDJ. 

"Thank you Mr. Downey." He mumbled. 

"Call me Robert." He smiled. Preston returned it. 

"You may reenter the court room." The bailiff came into the hallway. 


They all returned to their seats and the judge banged his gavel on the desk once more. 

"We have come to an agreement. Kyliegh Curran, your sentence has been lengthened to five months. Preston, your wish for the baby to live with Kyliegh is reality, and you will be present in the baby's life, but not as much. You are required to go to counseling with the baby and Kyliegh once its born. It will help clear the air for everyone to move on. Until then, everything shall proceed as normal other than Kyliegh's juvenial detention sentence. Court adjourned." The gavel was banged a FINAL time. And Preston sighed. Counseling?! WITH KYLIEGH!? 

Other than that, he was okay overall. He returned to his family and they hugged him tight. Officer Felisha smiled and rubbed the boys back and his attorney shook his hand. 

"Let's go home, Preston." Jennifer smiled. Eliza wrapped her arms around her son and they sheltered him from paparazzi as they returned to the car. They got in and drove back to the Downey residence. 


hope you enjoyed! this chapter was really rushed, but I hope it was okay anyways! new chapters coming soon! love you all! stay golden! 


The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now