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A few days later, the entire Oliver family was staying with the Downey's at their house. Preston had rarely gotten out of bed and he was often found crying. This morning had been extra hard for him as he was dreading his meeting with the officer later this afternoon. Eliza had been sitting with her son all morning, trying to relieve his anxiety, but hadn't succeeded yet. 

A gentle knock was heard at the door and Indie's pretty face appeared in the doorway. 

"Hi, Indie. Come in." Eliza said. Indigo walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed with Preston. She whispered something into Eliza's ear. The woman nodded solemnly and kissed Preston on the forehead before exiting the room. 

"Hey, Pres." Indigo said. 

"Hey." He responded simply. 

"Dreading today?" She asked gently. 

"Yep." Preston sighed, popping the p. 

Indigo sighed and kissed him on the cheek, playing with his messy hair and stroking the tears away from his face. 

"Pres. Look at me." Indigo said lightly. He sat up, tears adorning his tan face. His greenish brown eyes looked at her with a huge amount of sadness and a lot of fear. She sighed sadly, attempting to force a smile for his sake but his lip just quivered in response, another round of tears threatening to spill. "Hey, you're okay. You're okay. I love you Pres, and everything is going to be fine. The officer's here, by the way. Are you going to be okay?" 

Preston nodded, trying harder to convince himself. As he attempted to take a deep breath he got a harsh strike of pain in his abdomen. He curled over and the tears streamed down his face as he whimpered out in pain. 

She got him calmed down and when the pain evaporated, Indigo called the officer in. She was followed by a blonde, curly haired woman with spectacles and kind blue eyes. 

"Hi, Preston, how have you been feeling?" Officer Felisha asked. He shrugged and steadied his heavy breathing. 

"Fine." He simply replied. 

"Good. This is Ashley McPhearson. She is a teenage psychological counselor and she'd like to have you evaluated. Is that alright?" The officer asked. Preston nodded. 

"Okay, sweetheart, I'm just gonna ask a few questions about your mental health. On a scale of one to ten, how happy have you been feeling lately? Ten means your overjoyed, and one means downright depressed." The woman began. 

"Three." Preston responded with a sigh. 

"Okay, that's a start, it's not a one. What are the things in your life that still make you happy?" The woman asked. 

"My family, my friends, and my girlfriend." Preston replied. The woman nodded and smiled. 

"Okay next. What level of sadness from one to ten?" 

"Six." Preston responded. 

"Why a six?" She asked gently. 

"I'm not necessarily sad, but I know it hurts my family and the people I care about to watch me suffer and that hurts a little." Preston sighed. 

"Damn right." Indigo joked lightly, rubbing Preston's back. The counselor smiled lightly at Indigo's attempt to lighten the mood. 

"Fear level, one through ten?" The counselor asked.

"Ten." Preston responded, no hesitation. 

"Give me some reasons on why the fear level is so high." The woman stated. 

The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now