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He tried to stand up, but was pulled back violently. He inhaled sharply as his head hit the wall. His wrists were caught in chains and he gulped nervously. He glanced over to his side and tried to reach for his phone nearby, but it was just out of his reach.

Just then, a dark, tall figure stepped into the room.

"Nice try, love." The mystery voice rang out.

"Who the hell are you? What's going on?" Preston asked nervously.

The figure stepped into the light. Preston couldn't believe his eyes.....


"K-Kyliegh?" Preston weakly croaked. 

"Hey, Pres, miss me?" Kyliegh asked. He held back a gulp. He pulled against his chains. "Don't try to struggle, babe, it'll only hurt you." 

Preston bit back tears as the chains bit into his wrist. 

"Why?" He squeaked out. 

"Because I love you! We are going to be together forever. See, I've been stalking you for months now, I know every little thing about you, love. We're going to sleep together, eat together, shower together, watch movies together, cuddle, and have fun together." Kyliegh said with a vindictive glance in her eyes. A tear fell from Preston's eye. 

"No, no, no, no, no...." He muttered, his breathing becoming raw. 

"Okay, baby, I'm gonna run upstairs and grab you something to drink so I can explain everything." Kyliegh said happily. She pranced up the stairs. And Preston yelled. 

"HELP! HELP, SOMEBODY HELP!" He yelled. Kyliegh came stomping back down the stairs. She marched straight over to him with an angry glare. He flinched back as she kicked him. Hard. He whimpered and cried as she kicked him over and over again. 

"YOU. DO. NOT. YELL." She angrily demanded. He nodded weakly through the tears. She walked back up the stairs, and he immediately slumped back against the wall, sobs enveloping his entire self. 

He tried his hardest to reach his phone. He eventually gave up and stopped in shock as he watched Kyliegh angrily glaring at him from the stairwell. She walked over, seemingly calm. 

"I'm sorry I have to do this, love." Kyliegh apologized sweetly. She took his head in her hands and stroked his cheek. Then she slammed his head against the wall. 


Preston didn't know how long it had been. He felt blood streaming down his neck coming from his head. 

"Good, you're awake. Now, you trying to reach your phone was a horrible mistake, Pres. So you're gonna be good and do what I tell you." Kyliegh demanded. She force fed him a drink and he soon felt woozy. 


When Preston woke up, he was now chained to a bed, the only difference was his clothes. They were gone. 

He looked over and choked out a cry as he glanced over to see Kyliegh naked as well. She flirtatiously walked over to the boy and hovered over him, his teary eyes clouding his vision. 


It had been an hour. Preston immediately marked that hour as the worst hour of his life. I think we all know what happened in that horrid hour. He was grateful that both his and Kyliegh's clothes were back on their bodies. 

The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now