Battery life at 2%

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Charlotte huffed as he looked at the bare-bones endo they had gotten ready for Brook. The plating designs were hung up on a board next to her, and Charlotte thought that perhaps this was hopeless.

In reality, she was just sleep deprived. Dan shook his head, slapping her shoulder. Emilia blinked up at them before going back to looking over the actual blueprints. Charlotte blinked.

Dan rolled his eyes before going back to looking over the plating designs, leaving Charlotte to the endo. She groaned. She was so tired, but she had to do it. She wanted Brook to get to life soon, after all.

She sat down heavily, checking the metal for any imperfections or cracks before they all got to the more automated part of putting her together. She almost felt like sobbing. It didn't help that her period was kicking her to the ground.

She crappy the look-over, wanting it done and out of the way in under two hours. Dan narrowed his eyes at her before pushing her to the plating designs and looking at tehendo himself. She sent him a grateful look.

She slowly worked through the designs, settling on a few different ones to try and merge into something nicer. Most of the designs weren't made by actual mechanics, so they were a bit rough. But they had potential.

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