FINALLY! They meet!

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"I'm never taking time off again." Mike deadpanned as he stared at a– honestly in good shape for their age– Funtime Foxy. Or Vixen, as they currently insisted to be called.

Then their eyes switched to fully yellow-orange and he tensed. Those were the eyes that hunted him, night after night after night after–

"A pleasure to meet you, good sir! I am Hound, or better known as Funtime Foxy, the AI of this lovely body. Apologies for our first impressions. We were still filled with remnant corrupt by his actions." The fox spat venom at the mere thought of William. Mike nodded slowly.

Mike did not get paid enough for this.

"Charlotte. Please just take them back. I can't handle this right now." He got up. He was not dealing with this while Ness was still on paid leave.

"No, but I'll stuff them in that empty storage room and lock it so they can't get out." The duo squwaked, and Mike knew the action was mutual. Sucks to be them.

"You are a saint, Charlotte." Mike spoke thankfully, leaving his office altogether to leave them in her responsible care. He truly didn't care at this point. He hadn't slept in three days.

"I know. Also, they'll be in storage room B9." Mike hummed an affirmative as he walked away, ready to collapse for the next week. 

Oh, the joys of animatronics! What was that? Karens? Ah, shoot.Where stories live. Discover now