Chapter 12: Tears & Togetherness

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Chapter 12: Tears & Togetherness

"Who are you?" Cal asked as his eyes bored into mine. I just stood there dumbfounded, my eyes misty. Does he really not remember me?

He bursted into laughter then winced and held his head in pain. "Ah, okay I deserved that one."

"You had me there for a sec." I blinked the tears away. If he'd forgotten about me, that wouldn't have been the greatest Christmas present to me. "I came to see if you were okay, not be tricked into thinking you had Amnesia."

"I'm sorry," He'd said softly and kissed my hand.

"Cal, I don't know what I would've done if you would have actually had Amnesia. Are you freakin' crazy? Are you trying to give me a heart attack here?"

"It's kind of hard to forget someone who's given you so much, babe." I was pulled closer, almost too close to his broken leg.

"I'll just disregard the petname for now. So what happened?" I sat beside him but kept a good distance so I wouldn't hurt him.

"Well," he sighed. "I was walking home after talking an older lady at the park. Her name was Sarah Willis, sweet lady. You should meet her."

"Cal." I didn't need to meet anyone right now, I just wanted to know what happened.

"I'm just trying to lighten up the mood, Kayles. Anyways, I was walking back after we talked, hoping I could give your Christmas gift to you at exactly 12 A.M. I wasn't paying attention to the lights, so I just went for it thinking there were no cars that were going to pass by. But, whoosh. I got hit and ended up here."

"Well, I'm glad you're okay... And that you didn't forget about me." I relaxed a bit, there was no need for the tension anyway.

"You smelled like pasta...." He sniffed me. "And... Cookies?"

"Oh," I laughed. "I was cooking before I found out about the accident. Which reminds me, my mom called."

"What did she say?"

"She knows about us being complicated."

"There's nothing complicated about us. You just make it seem like it's complicated."

A small, silver box on top of the nightstand caught my eye. "What's that?"

"It's your Christmas gift. I told Sarah about it." Cal grabbed it and handed it to me. "I didn't really think we'd be spending it at a hospital, but.... here."

I opened the box. "A locket?"

"Open it." I did as he told. It was a picture of Cal and me at my 18th birthday.

I smiled. "Cal, I don't know what to say."

"Look at the back." I turned it around and saw words engraved.

You are my happiness.

"Merry Christmas, Kaylie." He said as I smiled. "Here." He put it around my neck.

"I love it. Sadly, I don't have your gift on hand. It's at home."

"Did you just call my place home?"

"Uh... Yeah, is that bad?"

"No, it's great actually. But I don't recall myself ever saying it was your home... Shouldn't that be saved for, I don't know, a girlfriend and boyfriend thing? I mean, if you catch my drift." You sly jerk.

"Are you really trying to ask me out? While you're in a hospital bed?" I teased.

"Well, Kaylie Marie." I loved how my name sounded when he said it. "It wouldn't hurt to have another Christmas gift. I like being spoiled."

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