Chapter 6: The Big Move & Flashbacks

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Chapter 6: The Big Move & Flashbacks

"What you did there was pretty hot, Kay." Cal states bluntly.

I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I ask, crossing my arms as I turn around to face him.

"Lets just say I was in the area, and I decided to stop by and pay this studio a little visit."

"Because you saw me here. Were you following me?" Was this guy out of his freakin' mind?

"That's very cute to think that I would follow you of all people." He smirks. "And no, I'm not out of my mind."

I must have voiced my thoughts out loud for him to answer that. I hate when that happens.I was so lost in thought that I totally forgot Cal was here. In the same dance studio.

"I'm sorry." His statement brought me back to reality. Sorry?

"What for?" I questioned. The Cal Austin I knew wouldn't be sorry about anything.

"Everything." Yeah, right.

I scoffed. "No you're not."

"Kaylie, please." He grabbed my right hand. "I think it's time that we both make up."

My eyes narrowed as I looked up at his. This is certainly not the Calvin Austin I know and I am definitely not buying this act. Who does this guy think he's fooling? I felt like a detective. You know when detectives interrogate a person and they look into their to see if the person is lying.

He was.

"You can cut the crap, Cal."

He sighed in relief. "Good 'cause I wouldn't have held out much longer."

I fought the urge of rolling my eyes. "Still the same." I muttered.


"You need to go, Cal."

I was about turn around an get my stuff when his hand went around my wrist. He pulled me until our bodies were against each. I wonder why he was doing this. I'm leaving for Massachusetts tomorrow and I wanted my last time in this dance studio to be just me. Not with my jerk of an ex-boyfriend, or whatever he should be called.

"Kiss me." Were the words he whispered before he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I couldn't help the shiver that went down my spine when that happened. My hands went up to his chest to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. The next thing I know, our lips were connected and my eyes were closed. That made me think back to the first time he kissed me.



November 12, 2014


Cal took me to the place his mom took him to when he was little. It's actually really beautiful, even if it is just a pond with ducks and fish. We had a picnic here for our first date. Yes, first date. I was super stoked to go on a date somewhere peaceful. The scenery and the quiet company. It felt so right. Oh, Cal's coming. I'll write more later.

- K, xoxo


"This was nice, Cal." I said. "Thank-you for tonight."

"It's no problem, really. I had fun." He smiled his amazing smile.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He stood stiff a couple of seconds, then hugged back when his hands went around my waist. We stood there for a minute or two then pulled away. I kissed his cheek and went to walk to my front door, but his left hand went around my waist and pulled me to him.

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