Chapter 11: Second Chances & Old Memories

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Chapter 11: Second Chances & Old Memories

Really quick question:
Isn't Alex Pettyfer such a beautiful man? ;)


Cal's POV:

I looked at the clock. 12:03 A.M. I'm so glad we haven't started school yet because my sleeping schedule is f*cked right now.

Kaylie was next to me, soundly asleep. If you're thinking we slept together, we didn't. I don't stoop that low. We're just in the same bed together since we couldn't think of a better compromise. Usually, I'd be sound asleep with her by my side, but what she'd said a couple of hours ago kept repeating in my mind.
"Prove that you're worth it. Prove that you can make me trust you and love you again."

Her words hit me hard. The way she said it, the meaning in her eyes and voice. I broke her. I did this to her and she's still in pain.

I don't regret coming back though. I wasn't doing this for guilt and like I said before, it'll take more than pressure to bring me down again. I'm not gonna let it happen and hurt Kaylie again.

I felt the bed move and looked at Kaylie. She turned over and snuggled into my arm. It was another reminder of why I loved being around her. I moved my arm so it would be around her and she was closer to me. Though what caught my attention was how she was mumbling in her sleep.

"I missed this Kayles," I whispered, comfortable in this position. "You don't know how much I missed being like this with you." My eyelids were droopy now. I fell asleep, knowing I had the girl I chased for right with me.


"Cal," Kaylie called, shaking me. "Wake up, it's almost lunch time."

"5 more minutes, baby." I mumbled, pulling her close and nuzzled my nose into her hair. She smelled good. Like flowers.

"I haven't decided what else to say to you yet. We're not together."

"Oh but we're definitely together because we're in the same room. Together."

She pushed me so I was on my back then straddled me. "I'm hungry."

"Well, I'm awake and also hungry." Oh, I was definitely awake now.

"Not for that you perv!" She got off me and stood up. I sat up and examined what she was wearing

"Are you wearing my clothes?" She looked hot in my white T-Shirt and old PJ sweats.

"I didn't unpack anything yet, and you had some clothes in the closet anyway so I figured..." She blushed.

"It's fine, Kayles." I laughed. "You look fine. I'll go make your favorite."

"Chocolate chip pancakes for lunch?"

I stood up and walked toward the kitchen. "Brunch, Kayles. It's called brunch."

She followed after and helped set up the table while I cooked the pancakes. It was like old times when we went on a trip to my cabin back in Texas. Something similar to this place, but with more memories. I cooked and she set up. Doesn't this count as us together? Anyone?

"I remember the first time you made those for me." She reminisced, sitting on the counter as I finished putting the last pancake on the plate. "We made a total mess in the kitchen."

"Hey, it's only because you hit the batter."

"Oh so you're blaming it on me now, Calvin?" She cocked her head.

"Kaylie Marie, I wouldn't want to challenge me if I were you." I grew closer to her and stood almost too close for her liking.

"Are you trying to challenge me?"

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