Chapter 16: Jealousy & Paper Cuts

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Chapter 16: Jealousy & Paper Cuts

Cal's POV

Now that I think about it, Jason wasn't that bad of a guy. Well, of course, he cheated on Kaylie when they were together, but I did get to know him in the process. The plan probably wouldn't have worked if anyone else tried to persuade Kaylie into coming to the party, unless it was someone like Jason.

You see, people just underestimate Jason. He's not the guy you would think he would be. Charming, I'll give you that. He's a cool dude, just not the kind of person I would let Kaylie or myself hang out with, even if they didn't date.

Before Kaylie and I got back together, I found Jason on campus working on a painting. The dude dances and paints, I can see why she would fall the guy.

"Nice painting," I greeted.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, stopping what he was doing.

"I need to ask you for a favor." I looked around the room. What was a guy doing in a business if he was this good of a painter?

"No." He picked his brush back up and continued painting.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say."

"It's gonna be stupid, especially from you."

"It has to do with Kaylie." I examined the painting he was working on. At the bottom right corner it read: K.M.C. Maybe he thought I was talking about what he was working on because he stopped what he was doing again and his jaw looked like it tightened a bit. Gotcha.

"What about her?"

"I'm trying to win her back. "

"What makes you think I would help you?" He scoffed, then muttered, "You already got her."

"What are you talking about?"

"The moment you came to the house back in Texas, Kaylie wasn't the same. I didn't know that side of her."

I knew that side of Kaylie. My Kaylie.

"So is that why you cheated?"

He tensed up, jaw tightened. "How do you know about that?"

"We were at the same airport, buddy." I explained. "The necklace you got her fell onto the ground so I grabbed it and went to go give it to her, then I saw you and the other girl."

"Megan and I only had a fling before Kaylie and I came here. Nothing special." The painting was almost done, Jason's knuckles have been white for a while. Still got him.

"I see that Kaylie was nothing special also."

"She obviously wasn't special to you either, considering what you did to her your senior year." That's where he stopped, turning to me with a stone cold expression.

"What had happened between Kaylie and I back then is none of your damn business, at least I didn't cheat."

"Word around school is that you also cheated on Kaylie."


"Is true right? See Cal, we're not that different after all." Jason wrote something on a card and placed it behind canvas, probably the name of the card.

"Jason." It made me cringe, saying his name out loud.

He sighed. "I'll help you out as long as you don't tell anyone you saw me in this place."

"Not a problem."

"Cool, 'cause you're the one locking up this place."

"Whatever man, thanks." With that, he walked out the door.

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