Part 38 - St. Barts

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Roman's POV

There was a God, I was sure of it now. God allowed me to have Isla back.

She was back in my arms and the whole world fell away. No more pain or suffering, just a pure angel with me, on my lap, in my eyes, within reach.

My hand glided on her silky skin that was flawless, burning with the afterglow of our reunification. Her head was on my chest and she was taking deep breaths in, perfectly matching mine. She breathed me in. She loved me.

I not only loved her, I was obsessed with her. I was ready to serve her, give her everything, be everything for her. Everything I did in the past, my whole life, didn't matter to me. Only her and her in my future.

We laid together and just touched, unable to untangle.

"Why did it take you so long to come back?" She asked quietly while her fingers traced my tattoos sending a tingle throughout my body.

"Would you have given me the time of day...if you hadn't read everything you found out today?" I answered back with a question, which I thought was a very legitimate one.

Isla was silent for a long time but then finally put her chin on my chest and looked up at me. "I don't know. What I found out today was...pretty earth shattering." She admitted in a whisper.

I had to know. "Will you ever be able to forgive me?" I saw her bite her bottom lip as she considered it.

"Yes...I will be able to do it but...I haven't yet." She closed her eyes and kissed my chest with her sweet angel lips.

That's when I knew. I knew that nothing would tear us apart from now on. We were forever bound.

Shortly after, Isla fell asleep on my chest and I got in touch with my jewelry guy who already made the gift I had prepared for her birthday. I explained to him what I wanted and asked for a timeline. I wanted the ring to be finished as soon as possible. I was going to propose and we were going to be married and there would be no more uncertainty.

Morning came and Isla slept in my arms peacefully. I left her to rest, showered and was getting started on breakfast that she taught me how to make when I heard her come downstairs, pure bliss and happiness on her face.

This felt surreal. To be with her again. I realized we were apart longer than we were together...a painful thought.

"Do you want to go away? Somewhere warm? While you have the time off?" I asked her hoping she would agree right away.

Her eyes lit up when she looked up at me. "Yeah! I would love to! Oh wait...I told everyone I'm having a big housewarming bash this week..."

"So do it after. Spend your birthday with me." I smiled while serving her coffee and then turned around for the milk.

"How'd you know it's my birthday soon?" She asked surprised. Oh, sweet, sweet Isla.

"You think I don't know when my girlfriend's birthday is?" I asked her while pouring her milk.

"More." She commanded when I thought it was enough milk. I swear, she just basically drank milk with a bit of coffee, not the other way around. "When is your birthday, did I miss it?!" She asked alarmed.

"February 14th. You have plenty of time to get me a gift. I'll send you a list of what I want." I winked at my beautiful girlfriend.

She melted in a smile and then added. "So your name is Roman, like the word romance in Russian, your last name is Agapov from the Greek work agape which means love and you were born on February 14, on Valentine's Day?! Are you just a walking embodiment of love?" She watched me prepare a plate of food for her.

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