Part 13 - Just Like His Other One

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Trigger warning: threats of sexual assault

Roman's POV

The entire wretched day after Isla left I felt like dying. I went home and it felt empty, lonely, sad, cold, and silent. I showered and changed and tried to just power through but seeing her empty room annoyed and angered me, it felt like a fucking stab in the neck.

I had to do something, I had to see her, I couldn't just sit there alone and fucking cry like a loser. Without thinking much of it, I went over and my oh my, did she look as good as ever. It was weird seeing her not in my house. Like she was not mine. And she fucking wasn't, and it was tearing me apart.

I don't know what the fuck got into me but it's like I was no longer in control of my thoughts and my words, it was some kind of out of body experience. I needed to know how she felt but she stayed silent, like a God damn spy! So I pushed it, and pushed it, and finally, I said what I wanted. But it came out all wrong. I didn't just want her in my bed. Fuck. I wanted her, all of her, with me forever.

She obviously thought I was going to fuck her and discard her, just like she said before but she couldn't have been more wrong. I was in love with her. I now knew and understood it. But I had no idea how to communicate that, never having said those words to anyone before.

I sent her an outfit I knew she would be stunning in. Strapless ivory dress with art deco beading decorations, a strapless bra with cute little hearts on it that I knew she would love and a silk thong that I was dying to take off of her with my teeth.

I picked her up and literally had to bite my tongue before I fucking moaned at how gorgeous she looked. Damn, this whole situation was breaking me apart. She acted like she would never ever give in and had every reason not to. I was not good for her.

"You look stunning." I only managed to pronounce but I noticed that she...she looked at me with the same hunger that I felt.

"Thanks. You look great too." She gave me a warm smile and we were off.

To be honest, I hated these stupid events but they were crucial to know whose palm to keep greasing in order to maintain our business. Isla looked deep in thought but was a great date and greeted everyone and chatted nicely. Everyone seemed to really like her.

There was something on my mind that I had been meaning to ask her. I didn't want her to work some random nine to five job. She should go back to school and I had more than enough funds and connections to set it up for her. My secretary called around, and with the right amount of donations to a university, Isla could transfer to a med school here and start as soon as this September.

I gave my secretary a blank cheque and she found out the amount and sent it to Columbia to hold her spot. Once Isla enrolled in school again, she could transfer somewhere here. Or she could go back to New York. My body literally ached at that thought but I had to give her the choice.

I wasn't sure how to approach telling her this but the topic came up by itself.

Isla's POV

Fucking hell, Roman was obviously out to destroy me. Our last interaction left me in shambles and I was dreading this dinner.

He sent me the most beautiful dress and obviously didn't forget the lingerie, clearly his favourite part.

I was so torn. I wanted him so much but I knew, I knew he only wanted what he always did. Why did he say I was oblivious?

The dinner was boring as fuck and I made small talk with whoever I needed to. It felt painful being beside him like this, knowing what he wanted and who he was. I already agreed to go and we were here so there was no turning back now.

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