Part 34 - 281

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Isla's POV

Begrudgingly, Roman drove me to my friend's house, his face wet from his tears and his body looking defeated.

He looked destroyed and in a sick way, it made me happy to know that he was suffering as much as me.

"Roman? If you show up like that again...I'll call the cops. I know you don't care about that shit but...I don't want to see you again. Believe me and understand me. Don't make this harder than it already is. We can't be together. We just can't. No matter how you argument it to yourself."

I said my last words and quickly jumped out of his car.


He called my name but I slammed the door. I literally ran to my friend's front door, not turning around when he called my name again.

Seeing Roman really threw me in for a loop. I missed him terribly and loved him and wanted him so much. I almost gave in, I couldn't stop it. My mind turned off but thankfully, at the end if the night I woke up and realized what I was doing.

No. It was over, over. We couldn't be together. End of story. I had to live my life.

The semester started and I was in disbelief I was back in school. After such a long break, I really struggled to get back into it, the studying, reading, and going to my clinical rotations. I was living through all my savings but...I finally got that call from the lawyer in the second week of September; probate was finished.

"Hey I, you want to grab coffee and chat about what we're doing next week? What's that coffee shop called again that you like?" One of my classmates named Sam asked me at the end of the day. He was in the same field I was and we became fast friends. It felt surreal to be in school and working on what I had to abandon and having classmates. It felt normal and reminded me of how I lived before Roman fucked it all up for me by killing my parents.

I never forgot that part. I reminded myself every day that he killed my parents. And everyday...I felt like my love for him was only growing stronger. I hadn't seen him since that library incident which I was still really blaming myself for. However, I did notice things, I wasn't stupid.

I noticed that either he arranged security to follow me or maybe it was him. Or maybe not security, spies? He wasn't letting this go. It was both adorable and alarming. I couldn't believe I thought it was adorable. Ugh. I have fucking issues.

"Oh, thanks Sam but I can't tonight, I have a...thing to do. I'll catch up with you tomorrow though, okay?" I was heading to the lawyer's and that was priority number one right now.

"A thing, huh? Okay, well, enjoy your date!" He winked at me playfully but didn't move. Sam seemed like a nice guy. His parents were both doctors and he was about two years older than me having taken some time in between undergrad and med school to volunteer in Africa and South East Asia. He was tall, had brown hair and just looked like any regular American guy.

I left him and he followed me with his eyes and a small smile, making me feel gross that any other man besides Roman felt they could look at me like that. I pushed the thought out of my head and headed straight to the lawyer's office; I was a woman on a mission.

What I found out there shook me to the bottom of my very soul. I guess when I was signing the paperwork when my parents passed, I didn't really look at any numbers. I was too grief-stricken and destroyed and I was barely able to keep my eyes open.

My dad wasn't a rich man. Turns out, my dad was filthy rich. The cash that was in a regular bank account was almost six hundred thousand but what was left in various funds was a truly earth shattering number. I didn't even understand it when I saw it, the lawyer had to read it out for me.

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