Part 50 - Pure And True Love

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Roman's POV

I gave Sergei very clear instructions and made him promise me that he would do as I told him. I just wanted to get Isla safe, nothing else.

While Sergei was a God damn parasite, I knew that he would do as I told him.

Seeing Isla one last time was a dream come true. My love. I regretted nothing. If she was alive and safe, I was ready to do whatever was asked of me.

John was a strange man. He handcuffed me and made me sit in front of a laptop while I explained to him how to transfer my money to his bank account. I was shocked that he didn't fully think this through. The time difference meant that the US banks wouldn't transfer anything past 5pm so he would have to wait until tomorrow.

Moreover, the sum was so large that without a bank representative and special codes, there was no way this could be done, just us two, sitting in some Lake Como villa, on his Dell laptop. But I wasn't going to tell him that. He would have to figure that out for himself.

I could have easily knocked him unconscious and escaped however, the problem was that he had a very large number of armed guards stationed throughout the house. This was done on purpose, because he knew I was larger and stronger than him but my chest was not bulletproof.

He wouldn't kill me until he got the money so I had at least one last night to breathe. It began getting dark and he served me dinner and poured me a glass of wine. He ordered two of his men to handcuff my hands at the front instead of the back and I couldn't stop myself from smiling at how ridiculous and funny this was.

"Something amusing to you, Roman?" He piped up when he saw the smile appear.

"No. Just thinking about Isla. Have you ever been in love, Giovanni?" I asked him and he smiled widely, as if he was excited to chat with someone. He seemed lonely.

"Not like you. I can see why you love her so much. She is a very special girl." He talked about her and my nostrils flared at his words.

"Are you married?"

I watched John slightly nod as he chewed his food. "I am."

"Who was the woman who walked into Isla's building, pretending to be her?" I saw the video footage and the woman looked older, maybe his age.

"Her, my wife." He confirmed plainly and gave no other details.

"She coming to join you?" I had nothing else to do but to make conversation with this animal. He looked up at me with a small smile and a bit of exasperation.

"No. She's not." Which meant that he probably broke up with her and decided to escape and retire on his own in his home country with my money.

"You really hate me so much that you're willing to do all this bullshit? If you wanted money, you should have just asked for it. Why trade lives?" I genuinely pondered what his motivation was at this point.

He drank his wine and looked like he was considering my words. "I don't hate you. I just want to ruin you. There is a difference."

Is there?

I ignored my dinner and my wine and merely asked for a glass of water which he gladly served. We sat in silence for a while, and strangely, it felt like we were waiting for something. And then something did happen. First one guard went down and then another, and then John looked around shocked but...not panicked.

Men barged in, gunshots sounded but John still sat there and only picked up his phone, scrolling and tapping on something.

His men dead, I watched Sergei and others walk in and John merely stood up, calm and collected like this was no big deal. Why was he so strange about this?! I was shocked! I was not expecting any of this to go down but he acted like he had it all under control. He stood in the middle of the room but before anyone said a word, my whole body became immobile when I saw Isla stride in, fucking murder in her eyes.

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