Part 12 - No One Ever Again

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Isla's POV

The day came for me to leave and I honestly felt like bawling my eyes out. Damn it. I got so used to Roman and after witnessing what happened the other day, I was incredibly fucking horny for him. Unfortunately, besides being physically attracted to him I was also head over heels for him in general.

I heard a light knock on my door in the morning while getting dressed and threw on a t-shirt to open it. My hair wet, no bra, and pyjama shorts, I looked like a disaster but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to say goodbye to him.

He looked like he was about to step on a fucking red carpet or something. Hair slicked back like usual, freshly pressed shirt and black pants, shoes worth more than my entire life probably.

"I came to give you a hug and say bye and say I'm going to miss living with you." He spoke lightly, but I could see he looked dejected. That kind of made me happy because I was really devastated too.

"I'm sure you will! Who is going to cook for you now? Who's going to teach you how to make proper coffee? Who's going to watch you fuck on the couch?" I spoke with humour and made him smile. Ughh, his smile!

He didn't say anything else, just stretched out his arms and I slowly stepped into them, melting into the warmest, softest, most wanted hug of my life. I would stay here forever if I could. Just in his arms, in a hug, I didn't care about anything else. He hugged me so gently, leaning in to me and it was just so easy to lift up my head and meet his eyes and see...what would happen.

We both quickly let go, realizing it was prolonging too much and he said a quick "bye" and walked out of the house.

I arrived in my new apartment that was actually ancient and felt both dread and happiness. Dread because Roman maybe would stay a friend but that was it. Our circumstances, rather my circumstances brought us together, and there really was no other reason for us to see each other. He was a big bad man and I was a small good girl. He lived like he had ten lives and I tried to salvage whatever I had.

He was darkness, I was light.

I went through the motions of the day and cleaned, waiting for my bed and mattress to be delivered. I went grocery shopping, bought some curtains and washed some sheets and overall, tried to get all the necessities together, doing my best not to think about him all day.

Finally at around 5pm, the mattress arrived and I opened the door expecting to see movers but I saw Roman, with a small smile on his face and a pizza and a champagne bottle in his hands.

"Pizza delivery!" He joked and I honestly almost jumped into his arms. I was so incredibly happy to see him! What the fuck man, I needed to get a hold of myself.

"What?! How did you- what are you doing here?! How did you know where I lived?!" I couldn't even formulate a sentence.

"Come on, Isla! Give me some sort of credit. Are you going to invite me in or...?" Fuck, he spoke so playfully, me completely melting.

I invited him in and once he placed the pizza and the bottle on the countertop, I gave him a huge hug. Slowly, his large arms wrapped around my body and I sighed. Being so close to him did something fucking rotten to me. I wanted to rip his clothes off and just stay with him.

"Wow, you missed me so much?" He joked and I giggled.

"It's been a long day." It really hasn't, I was just so relieved to see him again. It felt so strange being with him inside my own apartment. It was like a boyfriend coming over but as soon as I thought that, I tried to distract myself.

"What's your plan here? You're going to sleep on the floor?" He looked around the empty apartment and his words echoed.

"The bed and mattress are supposed to be delivered today. I also have to put up some curtains."

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