Part 49 - Precipice

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Isla's POV

"When you shoot, point exactly to where you want the bullet to go through. And hold the gun with both hands. Try." Sergei barked out instructions and I followed, pressing the trigger and feeling the recoil violently hit my hands. "Not bad for your first time, try again." He spoke coldly and I did. "Remember, bullets fly very fast so don't try to avoid them or anything, that's a for sure way to get one in the chest."

Sergei's eye was beginning to bruise from my punch and I fucking loved it. I noticed that he had a number of other injuries on his face and wondered what the hell happened to him.

"You will fucking stay away, Isla, do not fucking argue with me. This is just in case it all goes to shit and everyone starts dying. At least you'll be able to extend your life for a few minutes if you know how to shoot."

"Okay, sure." I only responded, and watched him load the gun. On the plane, Sergei called his contact in Russia. I didn't know how any of this was possible but we were waiting for something like a mercenary army to arrive consisting of ten men. The time was ticking and they were on their way. "How much are you paying these guys?" I dared ask. He didn't look at me and only answered.

"A fucking shit ton. But they are professionals so they're worth it." He spoke evenly, not yelling.

"Why didn't you just do this before, why did you have to make me beg?" This seemed obvious now if he had access to this kind of strength.

He looked up at me momentarily moving his eyes away from the weapon in his hands and was incredibly annoyed and angry. "Because. Because Roman made me promise to get you out, okay?! He didn't want to consider storming Giovanni's place because he didn't want to put you in danger. In fact! We may all fucking die tonight. Because I'm sure he has the whole fucking place buzzing with explosives." He finished and motioned for me to start walking to get on the plane again.

Once we were there, he took out a small duffel bag from under a seat and pulled out my coat. Couldn't have done that before, could he? Then he took out a bulletproof vest out of a little closet and passed it to me. "Put this on, this is a non negotiable."

I obeyed and took off my sweater and then I looked at the vest and had no clue what to do. Sergei watched me and then annoyed, he tsked and ripped it out of my hands. He helped me put it on and with rough movements turned me around to adjust it.

"What the fuck is on your neck?" I heard him speak and I realized that John's lashes with the whip extended there too. I stayed silent but he prompted me again. "What happened? These look fresh."

"John whipped me one day. When I refused to say what he wanted. On the video." The memory of how John raised his arm to bring the whip down on my back would never leave me. I shook from the pain, my teeth chattering, but he didn't even blink. He was merciless, not merciful.

Sergei turned me around to face him again and looked down at me with what I can only guess was disgust mixed with disbelief. "He whipped you? Like with a whip?"

Yes, obviously, what else do you whip someone with?

"No, man, with a feather." I couldn't stop my sarcasm spilling out of me. "Yes, with a whip. Are you also fucking stupid, besides being violent and aggressive?" I couldn't hold back my insults.

"Fuck, you really are a fucking brat, aren't you?" Sergei spat back with irritation. He huffed and turned away from me and I put my sweater back on, followed by my jacket, finally feeling some semblance of warmth.

I sat silently and just waited, wondering what on earth was happening to Roman. He could already be dead for all I knew and this was just us all walking to our deaths.

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