Part 24 - Butterflies 🌶️

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Just a disclaimer, this chapter is about rough sex, domination, some bondage, CNC, please don't read if you're under 18 or if you're not into it. You can read until the line and then skip. Thank you!

Isla's POV

Being with Roman brought out all my deepest emotions. I believed him; that he didn't call the girls and they showed up here without his knowledge. But I was also extremely pissed off that they were here, and touched his arm, and acted like this was some usual hookup. Fuck them. Fuck every single girl who ever looks at him again.

I heard everything he said and I wasn't scared of his words. I would be beside him for the rest of my life too, I would belong to him, and he was mine.

His blue eyes hot with lust for me, he looked down at me from his full height and I felt so small, so tiny, so protected. Nothing in this world would ever threaten or break me again, I had Roman.

" big trouble." He whispered to me, his eyes half closing and lips parting to catch mine.

"Fuck, I hope so." I spoke confidently feeling my body ripped apart by my desires for him. I wanted to be used. I wanted to belong. But Roman kept his hands away from me and I so longed to be touched. To be squeezed by his strong fingers, for my breath to be caught in my throat from his rough actions.

"Come with me." Roman responded and gently took my hand in his and began leading me toward the front door. I was intrigued, I thought he would lead me to the bedroom but no, silently he came to the foyer and found my sandals. Bending down on one knee, he placed the first one on my foot and then gently, did the same with the other. He paused and sighed, a small smile creeping onto his face.

Slowly, he ran his tattooed fingers up my legs and I noticed freshly tattooed ink on his ring finger on the right hand. Carefully, I stopped his hand and picked it up, him watching me.


My heart did a summersault and my eyes zoned in on the writing.

"That's...that's my name?"

I watched Roman nod without hesitation. "Yes. I got it today." He rose to his feet but I still held his hand and looked it over. Suddenly, I wanted one too! What?! Who was I?! I had never ever had any interest in tattoos or piercings or altering my body in any way. Sure, I wasn't without insecurities but I mostly liked my body the way it was and I didn't want to taint it.

"I want one too." I stated and heard the excitement in my voice. He furrowed his black eyebrows at me and looked confused.

"You...want a tattoo? Of what? And...and where?" He was speaking with curiosity.

I quickly thought it over. I had no idea where but of what...I knew right away. "Your name. You pick the spot." I broke out into a slight laughter; for some reason the thought made me giddy. He looked like he was considering it.

"You want your first tattoo to be my name?" He clarified.

"Yes. My one and only tattoo. Where do you want it?"

"Isla...a tattoo is a big decision." He spoke seriously as if trying to dissuade me.

"I know. So where do you want it?" I really wanted to do this now. I watched his eyes travel my body and I enjoyed the moment, getting aroused just from the thought of his hands on me. He stayed silent for a moment longer but then told me.

"Your inner thigh. So every time I lick your pussy, I can see it." He closed his eyes and breathed out but then added, "Or...on your upper every time you moan my name...while my dick is destroying you...I can watch your body...submit to me." He spoke with laboured breathing now and I didn't miss the chance to run my hand down his body and between his legs.

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