Part 32 - The Library

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Roman's POV

I watched Isla the entire time we were apart. I mean, she had to expect it, right?

I knew she visited her ex at his work and I followed her to their little drinks date and fuck, I almost blew his brains out when he touched her hand but then...I wanted to see what would happen.

She pulled back, she didn't want him to touch her. My good girl. My anger dissipated after I saw that but if he fucking laid a finger on her again, good guy Thomas would end up six feet underground.

She looked so good, as beautiful as ever. It was a warm night and she wore a light blue dress that ended just in the middle of her thighs. I longed to lift her dress up and kiss every inch of her body.

Her hair flowing freely, she stood out from the crowd. I missed her so fucking much.

I couldn't stop myself, I hugged her because I literally could not hold myself back. She wanted this too, this stupid breakup was tearing us both apart.

I took her to a library, any library would do, I just needed to show her something. I picked a small branch and got an account and did the research before hand.

Isla was so apprehensive. Her attitude toward me could not be more different than when we were together. She was distant and silent and tried to completely avoid my eyes.

I didn't have a key to get in obviously so I shot through a lock on one of the back doors. I knew this branch only had security at the front door.

"What the fuck, Roman!? I really don't want to end up in jail, what are you doing?!" She asked me clearly stunned at my actions and looked at my gun with wide eyes so I quickly put it away.

Pure, innocent Isla. My girl.

I grabbed her hand, so familiar and delicate and tried to lead her inside but she stood planted to the ground and tried to pull her hand out of mine.

"I don't want to break into a library!" She whispered loudly. Fuck. She was such a good law abiding citizen.

"Come on. This is just a little mischief, nothing serious. We're not breaking into FBI headquarters." I reassured her with a smile but she didn't budge.

She was visibly torn. She obviously wanted to know what I so desperately wanted to show her that I broke into a library but didn't want to trespass. She chewed her lip and looked inside the dark hallway just beyond the door.

"Trust me. I never deceived you." I spoke honestly and she knew I was right. Neither her nor I knew about our connection and I had never lied to her.

Slowly, she slid her hand into mine. I don't know what came over me but I imagined her doing that on our wedding day. Wow. I was so painfully, incredibly, stupidly in love with her.

I led her down the dark hallway and into the library and then approached and turned on a computer and saw her look around nervously at the almost pitch black surroundings. She fidgeted with her purse and then crossed her arms.

"We working on a school project, what is this?" She asked trying to sound annoyed, but I just smiled and continued on. I signed in with my brand new library card and pulled out a chair for her. Without looking at me, she slowly sat down and I leaned over her to type what I needed.

She was right in between my arms and underneath my face. So close I could smell her addictive aroma. Like this, I wanted to stay like this forever, her in my arms.

"You didn't believe me when I said your dad used the same tactics. You think it's just me, but I only played by the rules." I spoke to her and pulled up the article.

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