Part 45 - Merciful

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Roman's POV

It was day three of no word from Isla and I wasn't sure how I was still alive.

She disappeared. None of mine or Kirill's contacts could place her. Her name didn't show up anywhere, no tickets were bought under her name, no cameras picked her up in any airport, train station, anywhere. No one could locate that car. It was like five years ago all over again.

Vanished, into thin air. I sat on my couch in the middle of the night, going on day four of no sleep and saw a reflection in the window. Was that me? I didn't know who was that man who looked back at me.

I had to concentrate and get it together. I had no idea what to do or where to even look at this point. I waited until the morning and headed to see Claudio.

Not waiting a second, I busted into his office where I saw him sitting with a man in front of him, both of them discussing something. Without a second thought, I shot the man in the head and he fell over like a bag of sand on the floor, leaving Claudio motionless and shaking.

"You want those contracts so bad, you fucking decided to take my girl?" I hissed at Claudio who looked at me wide eyed. His hands lifted up, he was visibly shaken from how I barged in and his companion was now bleeding out onto his carpet.

He stayed silent, unable to piece together a sentence. Jesus fuck, he didn't know where she was either.

"Ro-Roman...I didn't, I didn't do nothing, buddy, I swear, I don't have your woman." He gulped hard and remained sitting in his chair.

God, I was going to lose my mind. No one had any fucking clue where she was! Not Sergei, not Claudio, not the Albanians who I already visited. The last group was the Italians but I had literally never crossed paths with them, as strange as that was.

"Call Vincenzo." I ordered him and he obeyed without question, dialing a number he apparently knew by heart.

A man picked up and with fear in his voice, Claudio started from afar, speaking about random shit and I waited. He then casually mentioned Isla and Vincenzo let out a low hmm.

"Claudio. You know we don't do this. Leave this shit to the Russians and Albanians. We don't kidnap for ransom."

"I know Vincenzo, but there are....extenuating circumstances. Do your research. Give me a name." Claudio pressed on and there was silence on the other line.

"I'll ask but...I don't think I will be able to get you what you want."

Their conversation finished and I had no idea what to do anymore. I merely sat in front of Claudio, defeated and ready to blow my brains out.

My phone buzzed at this moment and I ripped it out of my pocket. I saw a text come in...from Isla. Forgetting that I had my gun pointed at Claudio, I opened the text and saw a still from a video, of her.

With shaking fingers, I pressed play. She was sitting in a chair, in a well lit room and she spoke so gently, trying to find the words.

Hi Roman,

The video began and my vision blurred.

Um, I'm not sure where I am but, the person who took me, ugh, wants you to figure it out. They said that you...fucked up...and didn't do your due diligence. And if you want me back, you're going to have to put your spy skills to use.

It was obvious that this was rehearsed and she was trying to remember what she had to say next. Forced. My angel was forced to say all these words.

I'm not hurt. They have been me. For some reason, she placed great emphasis on that word.

They said they don't want me. They don't want to hurt me. They only want you. They are waiting. They will wait for as long as needed, for you to come to them.

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