Part 46 - Giovanni

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Isla's POV

The pain in my eyes felt immense and I thought I was perhaps blind. I was lying on my stomach on a bed and made every effort to open my eyes and see where I was.

Groaning and holding my head, I peeked and I saw that I was on someone else's bed, not mine, not Roman's!

What the fuck happened!? Where the fuck was I and why did my whole body hurt like I was beaten up with a bat. In a panic, I looked at my surroundings and realized I was maybe in a hotel room? My shoes were gone and so was my purse and coat, I was sitting in my jeans and t-shirt, the same ones I put on this morning.

I ran to the door and unlocked it to pull open but it didn't budge. I pulled harder, turning the locks every which way but it was like it was glued to the door frame!

Oh no, what the fuck was this! I ran to the window and opened the curtains to see a beautiful landscape opening up to me, my eyes stunned by the sun.

Rolling hills and tall hedges intertwined in a peaceful and gorgeous scene, a stark contrast to my situation. There were bars on the windows.

Oh God, oh God, oh God! What the fuck did I get myself into?! As soon as I thought that, I remembered the last thing that happened to me; getting into John's car.

Cold sweat broke out all over my body. What else did I remember? Not much, a pain in my thigh, John's smiling face and now...this room.

I paced and yelled for hours, trying to get the door to pry open but it didn't budge even a millimeter. Lost in my thoughts, I watched the day change outside and the sun started to set. Exhausted, I sat beneath the window and stared at the walls and the room.

The next day, I woke up on the floor, I guess I never made it to bed. I wondered if whoever was keeping me here was trying to drive me crazy. It was eerily quiet all around, no one showed up, no one was in the room and it's like I was dropped in here from out of nowhere.

I banged on the door again and screamed with all my might for someone to come open it! No one came. Fuck!

I didn't know what to do. I had nothing with me, no shoes, no clothes, no purse, no water. Water. I was so thirsty! Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by the jingling of keys in the door and I backed away as far as I could, deathly afraid of whoever was on the other side.

I pressed myself into the wall with the window opposite the door and waited with bated breath for it to open.

Slowly, the door swung open and John stood on the other side. I was floored. What. The. Fuck.

John Clemens, my father's old work partner and friend, stood there with a small smile on his face.

"I know you're scared, Isla, but I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sorry I had to do this."

I was lost for words. I didn't know what to think and I was absolutely unable to move my tongue to say anything.

"You're probably hungry and confused. I brought you some food and some clothes. Take a shower, have breakfast and then, I will come in a few hours and we will talk. Okay?"

John spoke so evenly and kindly and only wheeled in a small table with a tray of food on top and a bottle of water that I immediately latched my eyes onto. The bottom shelf of the little table had a set of clothes.

As soon as John left the table, he walked back and shut the door and I heard him lock it again.

I decided that I would first drink the water and then figure out what just happened. Parched, I downed the whole bottle and eyed the food and clothes, cautious about everything that was happening.

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