Chapter 1

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 25 years later....

"I can't believe it's been 2 years since the old station was torn down!" Fireman Sam Jones said. All of the firefighters, Elvis Cridlington, Penny Morris, Ellie Phillips, and Arnold McKinley, were sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Two years!" Elvis said, practically slamming his drink down, "seems like just yesterday!"

"I can't believe we've been firefighters for two years, Ellie..." Arnold said, avoiding the former's gaze, "it seems like just yesterday we were in training..."

"Yeah, and Sam's been a firefighter for nearly 20 years!" Elvis commented, "and I've been a firefighter for like 10, Penny too!"

"Actually 11," Penny replied, "I'm a year older, remember?"

"Right," Elvis blushed and looked down at his cup of tea. He was 31 years old, while Penny was 32. Sam was 37, and Ellie was 22. Arnold was the baby of the group at 21 years old.

"Why are you blushing, Elvis?" Arnold asked. Forever logical and wanting to know everything, similar to Ellie on the latter detail, the nerdy firefighter just HAD to know!

"Yeah," Ellie said, liking the idea of prying in on Elvis's personal life, "what's the matter?"

Luckily, the fire alarm rang. Station Officer Steele's voice could be heard saying, "Norman Price is stuck at sea!"

The five firefighters all sighed to themselves and went to save Norman.

le lazy time skip because we all know how these rescues go

"I'm sorry, Fireman Sam," Norman said, "I won't do it again."

"You always say that, Norman," Sam said, "and I suspect that you'll be washing Jupiter for a month!"

"Ooooohhh!!!" Norman grumbled. Penny and Elvis couldn't help but smirk. For a moment their eyes met, and all of their worries melted away. Elvis gulped as he looked into Penny's eyes. They were so beautiful, just like her... He tried his hardest not to let out a dreamy sigh of affection and love. He dared not look too deeply into her eyes, for fear that she would see just how much he truly cared for her. Suddenly the flashback hit him.

"Don't sit down, Fireman Sam, the Newtown rescue tender's just arrived!" Steele announced as Elvis was just pouring his coworker a cup of tea. Sam sighed as he said, "c'mon, Elvis boy, let's go meet him."

Elvis, who had been fairly new to the fire service at that time, smiled as they walked out to see a beautiful red rescue tender.

"They call it Venus is what I hear," Sam whispered to his young friend, "we'd better ask him later."

Elvis nodded, a bit afraid of meeting this new person. What if they were mean? What if they didn't like him? He gulped as he saw their feet, working away on their vehicle.

"Recognize of feet," Steele said, though Elvis couldn't quite hear him right. He was too washed up in worries to say or do anything. Steele finally coughed awkwardly and the firefighter got up.

Elvis tried to suppress a gasp.

There, right in front of him, was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was so stunning, one of the few blondes that he knew... He tried to stifle this immediate infatuation by shyly standing in the back. He could hardly hear Sam introduce himself. As she started to leave, Morris, he believed her last name was, he quietly yet audibly said:

"A-and I'm F-Fireman Cridlington at your service. But you could call me, uh, Elvis..." He blushed bright red, as red as Jupiter the fire engine. 

"Alright Elvis," she smiled, "I'm Penny."


Instantly Elvis was snapped back into the present, eight years later. 

Eight years.

For eight years, he hadn't told a single soul about his emotions, not even his very own best friend, Sam.

"Oh, sorry Sir," Elvis muttered, shuffling his feet, "just got a bit distracted, that's all..."

"We have to get back to the fire station, Elvis," Arnold said logically, "and at 3 PM Sam, Joe, and I have to-"

"Shhhhhhhh don't tell them!!!" Sam covered his mouth, stifling Arnold's words.

"Have to what?" Penny asked, avoiding Elvis's deep blue eyes that pierced her heart.

"Uh, nothing interesting!" Arnold said, sweat trickling down his forehead, "nothing important!"

"I smell a fishy story," Ellie whispered to Elvis and Penny, "something's up with those three..."

"Well, we could always ask Hannah," Elvis said, "she's logical."

"I suppose," Ellie said, "but what if Joe bribed her??"

"He wouldn't do that to his own daughter!" Penny replied, "Joe Sparkes is not crazy!!"

"He might be..."

"You watch tv waaaayy too much, Ellie," Penny smirked, "it's made you crackers, just like Elvis!"

Elvis blushed and looked at the ground.

Ben, who had been sternly silent the whole time, said, "mate, do you have a crush on-"

"No," Elvis whispered sharply back, nudging his friend somewhat sharply in the ribs, "knock it off, dude."

"Just askin'..." Ben muttered.

Suddenly Norman said something that would make the entire Rescue Team's blood run cold:

"Tomorrow I turn ten! And when I turn ten, I'll be allowed to go places on my own!!"

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now