Chapter 5

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"Oh. My. God." Ellie said, "really????? :3"

"Yes," Penny admitted, a grin creeping up onto her face, "I-I've been in love with him since I first met him."

Ellie wanted to say that Elvis felt the same way, and she knew it would be for the better, but she knew, deep down in her heart, that it would be better if Elvis and Penny found out themselves how the other felt. And plus, Penny was a stubborn person, and Ellie knew that she wouldn't believe it if she told her that Elvis felt the same way.

"Ohmygoshohmygosh!!!" Ellie said, now knowing for REAL that Penny felt the same way, "you love Elvis Cridlington! You're in love with Elvis Cridlington!!"

"Yeah, I know," Penny muttered as Ellie started to calm down, "it seems like everyone thinks that I like Sam or Ben or Tom or someone like that, but I really like Elvis."

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love him????"

"Uh, I don't think that there's a number that's been invented for how much I love him," Penny blushed, "but it's definitely a lot more than 10, I'll tell you that."

"Hah, I knew that," Ellie smirked as she gave her best friend a hug, "so, when are you gonna tell him???????????"

"Uh, never," Penny said, folding her arms, "he probably doesn't feel the same way. He's much better off dating someone else than me."

Ellie could not believe this. It was SO obvious that Elvis felt the same way, yet Penny was oblivious to it! Then again, Elvis was also pretty clueless to Penny's feelings for him. Come to think of it, Penny had always been blushing around him, for as long as Ellie could remember.

"Y'know, now that I think about it," Ellie muttered to herself aloud, "it's pretty obvious that you like Elvis. You should tell him how you feel."

"Are you insane??" Penny said, "no way! That's too risky!"

"Oh PLEASE, you've dealt with fires, rescues, all sorts of dangerous and tough stuff, but THIS is too hard for you???" Ellie said.

"It's different," Penny whispered, "I'm so used to facing those fires, and they're so easy. But with love, well, I-I've never even had my first kiss, Ellie."


"My dad was kinda overprotective," Penny said, "and he never really let me or my sister have any serious boyfriends or anything when we were teenagers. However, since I turned 30 he's been less protective."

Ellie nodded, "well, I mean, I must confess that I have a little thing for Arnold, but that's not the point. Why don't you think that Elvis feels the same way?"

"He's always hanging out with you," Penny said, "and you guys are such good friends, I-I thought, for the longest time, that he had feelings for you..."

"He hangs out with you all the time too!" Ellie replied, "remember the time you guys played Paperio at his house??"

"Yeah, that was fun," Penny smiled, remembering Elvis's 'puppy eyes,' when she had at first said that she was probably going to be busy.

"I mean, he's bound to find out at SOME point!"

"No," Penny said, "I'm gonna-"

"Don't you DARE say that you are moving on from him, Penny Morris! Don't you DARE!!!"

"I'm moving on."

"I will literally TELL Elvis right now-"

"Alright alright!" Penny raised up her hands, "I give up! I'll tell him how I feel soon! Okay???"

"Good," Ellie smirked, "I'll be waiting until then."

"Well, don't get your hopes up," Penny muttered under her breath, "I never said when I would do it."

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now