Chapter 28

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"NO!!!!" Sam screamed, still clutching Mandy. 

Down when his niece and nephew. Sam tried to slip down the cave in time to grab them, but they were down too far. Ellie looked down and gasped. She called the others over, and they all looked down and saw the horror: Sarah and James were falling to their death.

"Sarah!!" James cried out, "we're going to die!!!"

"Hold tight, James!!!" Sarah said, clutching her brother's hand, "it's going to be alright!!!"

"Hang on, Sam will find a way!!!" Mandy called out as Sam continued to try to slide down and grab the twins, although her voice didn't have much hope in it.

However, suddenly, there was a flash on the top of the cliffs. Arnold's helmet was nearly knocked off, and Elvis let out a yelp. "What the heck was that?!" he spluttered out.

"It can't be..." Penny said as she looked down over the cliffs, "after all these years..."

It was a metal object, and very large. It flew down the cliffs and towards Sarah and James. Then it planted its can-shaped feet on the ground below. And with a plop, the twins landed safely in his arms.

Sarah looked up, while James was crying and muttering about peeing his pants. 

"Woah..." the little girl said, "it-it can't be..."

James finally looked up and gasped, "no..."

"Bentley!!!!" Sam said, "you're working!!"

"So THAT'S what you, Arnold, and Joe have been workin' on!!!" Penny called down to her friend, "about BLOODY time we found out!!"

"Woah..." Jerry Lee said, "that thing's EPIC..."

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows of the cave. Ellie looked behind and saw Joe Sparkes walking up to the crew, a controller in hand. By his side was Chief Fire Officer Boyce.

"Well," Boyce whistled, "this sure is... shocking..."

"I know," Joe said proudly, "it took us a very long time, Sir..."

"We're saved!!!" Sarah cried out, "James, we're saved!!!"

"Uncle Sam!!" James looked up at Sam, "he saved us!!! Bentley saved us!!!"

"Yes, he did!!" Sam called out, "now Bentley!!" He now ordered the robot, "take Sarah and James up the top of the cliff!!"

And just as soon as those orders came out Bentley shot up to the top of the cliff, nearly landing on top of Elvis, who yelped and jumped into Penny's arms.

"Get out of my arms, Vis," Penny said seriously, though her face was beat red. Elvis blushed and giggled as Penny practically threw him onto the ground.

"Oh, I can hear the bells!" Jerry Lee crooned before Elvis could jab him in the ribs to stop him. 

Sam, still holding a traumatized Mandy, climbed back up the cliff to meet the others. Everyone cheered.


"Sarah!!!" Norman yelped after just staring at her for what felt like forever, "you're alright!!!" He rushed towards the little girl and pulled her into a forceful and passionate kiss. James ducked for cover, narrowly falling off the cliffs again.

"Norman Price!!!" Sarah gasped out, "what are you doin'???"

"Er, nothin', Sarah..." Norman stepped back, blushing, realizing his mistake, "I-I-"

Sam rolled his eyes playfully, "it happens to even the best of us, Norman..."

"Sam, you were a real hero!!" Boyce gushed, though slightly sarcastically.

"Now now," Sam blushed, "I was just doing my job..."

"Oh Sam," Elvis said, "you're always the hero!!!"

Sam looked down at the ground, "oh, stop it..."

"Elvis, you did a great job, too!!" Penny gushed, "you were so brave!!"

"Aw, shucks, Penny..." Elvis blushed, "I-I-well, golly, you were brave too... uh, hey, Penny?"

Penny looked up, grinning, "yes?"

"I-I-" Elvis tugged at his shirt collar, struggling to get the words out of his mouth, "I just wanted to say-"

"Ohmygod it's happening!!!" Ellie whispered to Arnold, "he's finally going for it!!!"

"I'll-uh-tell you when we get back to the fire station," Elvis finally said. Sam groaned a bit and rolled his eyes. The kids looked at Elvis like he had just lost them the lottery.

"You're not young forever..." Jerry Lee grumped, "just sayin', man..."

"No, now's not the time," Boyce agreed with Elvis, "we've got to get back to the fire station. There's something important I need to tell Steele."

"Well," Sam said, "I suppose..."

"It's very important," Boyce continued, "something I should have said 30 years ago."

Arnold and Ellie looked at each other, confused.

"Who the heck is this???" Mandy asked, pointing to Bentley, "I-I'm soooo confused right now...."

And so Sam explained the whole story, from beginning to end, and why he, Arnold, and Joe had kept it a secret from the whole town of Pontypandy for several days.

"Wow," Derek exclaimed. "Well I never..." Hannah muttered under her breath. All Mandy could do was whistle.

There was an awkward silence for a long time. No one was sure what exactly to do, until finally Jerry Lee said, "we'd better get back to the station. Boyce can say what he wants to say to Steele, and then Elvis can reveal this BIG secret that he has under his skin!!"

Elvis tried not to look at Penny as he said, "good idea, Jer."

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now