Chapter 31

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(yes, this fanart is mine that i posted my my DeviantArt account)

6 months later...

It was Christmas time in Pontypandy, and everyone was happy. Elvis and Penny had been dating for half a year now, and Norman and Derek were growing out of their troublesome phase. Ellie and Arnold, although the romantic tension between them was high, decided not to confess their love just yet.

"Isn't this great, mate??" Tom asked Moose as everyone in the whole town gathered at the fire station to celebrate, "how could things get any better??"

"Well," Moose said, rubbing his chin, "actually a lot of things..."

"Oh relax, dude," Ben said, putting a hand on the Canadian man's shoulder, "you're always worrying about something."

"Would anyone like a drink?" Bentley asked the Sparkes.

"Oh, he's so polite," Lizzie told her husband, Joe, "did Arnold and Sam help you with that??"

"Well, he would need help," Hannah replied sarcastically. Norman let out a snicker and said, "can I have some juice, Bentley??"

"Of course, Norman Price," the robot replied, and went off to go make some juice.

"So," Sam said, turning to Elvis, "how's it all going? You and Penny, I mean."

"Oh, great," Elvis grinned, blushing slightly, "we've decided to move into my house. It's bigger than hers, and closer to family."

Just 1 week ago Elvis and Penny had decided to move in with each other. They were already so in love with each other, and while it may have seemed to some that they were rushing much too far into things, Elvis's family supported it.

"Visie," Penny said, approaching her boyfriend, "I have to tell you something."

"What is it, my darling?" Elvis asked dreamily, turning his head, "you can tell me anything."

"Well," Penny said, obviously a bit nervous, "you see..."

"I bet she's gonna say that she wants to break up with him," Derek muttered before Sarah and James could stop him.

"Oh, be quiet," Steele muttered, "don't interrupt young Cridlington and Morris."

Both Elvis and Penny blushed at the mention of their names.

Penny looked back at Elvis, "I'm not sure how you're going to react."

Elvis grinned nervously, "oh, don't worry about me."

"My parents want to meet you."

Elvis froze inside. Parents?! From what he had heard, her father, Jack, was a big and strong man who was very overprotective of his 2 daughters, Penny and Phoenix. As for Martha, her mother, she was a sweet yet slightly overbearing woman.

"Uh," Elvis finally said, "that-that's great! When do they want to, y'know... visit?"

"They said they'd be here in 20 minutes," Penny said.

"20 minutes!!!" Elvis gasped.

"Oh, and Phoenix is coming too," Penny said, "she's bringing her little daughter Phoebe as well."

"Oh," Elvis said, "I guess that makes me a bit of an honorary uncle, heh."

"Oh, don't stress about it!!" Jerry Lee said, "when I met my girlfriend Mary's parents, they LOVED me!"

"Well, she's actually your ex girlfriend now," Elvis said, rolling his eyes, "she broke up with you because you snored too loudly."

"Oh, if you think that's loud," Arnold commented, "you should spend a night with Sam."

Sam blushed, "Arnold, you have yet to prove that I actually snore in my sleep!!!"

"I'll get the camera," Ellie joked, "I'll catch you right in the act."

Arnold blushed, "no need to do that, Ellie. Everybody already knows."

"Needless to say," Sam said, avoiding any further discussion, "it's been a great last 6 months for us all."

Suddenly, there was a knocking at the door.

"They must be early..." Penny muttered.

Elvis took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down.

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now