Chapter 30

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There was a long silence that followed. Then, finally, Elvis looked down at the ground, ashamed, and said, "I know, I know. I'm a clumsy firefighter, and you'd never want someone like me. You probably like Sam or Tom or Ben or someone else, not me. I'm so clumsy and stupid, and I can't even remember how to put out an electrical fire half the time. I-"

"Elvis!!!" Penny yelped, causing Elvis to jump in surprise, "why on earth would you say those awful things about yourself???"

Elvis blushed, "because... I-I-I'm so c-clumsy..."

Before he could even start to process what she was about to do, Penny leaned in and gave his cheek a gentle kiss. Elvis felt his head swimming with all sorts of confusing thoughts.

"Penny," he said, taking her hands in his, "I can't deny these feelings I have for you anymore. Please, tell me, do you return them?"

Penny was silent. She bit her lip, looking down at the ground.

"Oh no," Elvis said, edging away, "I-I should have known... I-I'm so sorry, Penny. I-I didn't mean-"

"Elvis," Penny finally said, looking up, "I-I love-"

"Who??" Elvis begged, clearly on the verge of tears once more, "Sam?? Ben?? I-I-Tom???"

"No!!" Penny cried out, "just because I'm good friends with Sam and give him compliments does NOT mean that I'm in love with him! And I never had a crush on Ben!! Honestly, why does everyone think that??"

"No one thinks that," Elvis admitted, "I-I-the others know. Ellie-"

"Oh, I knew that," Penny grinned, "I figured it out a while ago. But I thought that it was just for ME. I-I didn't-"

"Wait," Elvis stopped her, eyes wide, "you-you feel the same way??"

Now it was Penny's turn to blush. She looked shyly up at Elvis and said, "of course, Elvis Cridlington. I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you."

Elvis opened his mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. Finally he managed to stutter, "I-I thought-"

Penny grabbed his collar and pulled him closer, "Elvis, you're so sweet and funny. How could I not fall for someone as cute as you???"

Elvis blushed bright red, redder than Jupiter, "you-you think I'm cute??"

Penny giggled and said, "of course. Who wouldn't find you cute? You always have the best intentions in your heart..."

Elvis's heart felt as though it was about to burst from excitement and affection for Penny. It beat loudly in his chest, so loud that he thought that she would hear it. He blushed and cleared his throat, "Penny, I-I think that you're cute too..."

Penny smiled and kissed his long nose, "well, a lot of people have said that."

"Oh," Elvis blushed, "sorry."

"But you're the first person that I've felt the same about," Penny giggled, "so I suppose that you have a pass."

Elvis grinned, "I-I happen to think that you are very pretty..."

Penny blushed and looked down at the ground, "stop it, Elvis... you're just saying that..."

"No, really!!" Elvis said, "I mean-wow!! Who WOULDN'T be in love with you???"

Penny smiled, "I suppose you like me more than Bolognese..."

Elvis smiled sheepishly, "uh, yes. You are infinity times more amazing than Bolognese, Penny Morris. I love you."

"I love you too," Penny said. Just those words made Elvis's heart flutter. He blushed and kissed Penny's hand as he said, "so, would you maybe-I-I-uh-Penny Morris, would you consider maybe, um, being my girlfriend?"

Penny giggled again and said, "how could I say no to you?"

Elvis grinned and said, "wow. I never thought that this would happen to ME of all people."

Penny giggled and said, "oh, hush, you. Why don't you kiss me?"

Elvis gulped. He looked into Penny's eyes. "Penny," he finally said, "I-I've never done this before... kissing a person, I mean..."

Penny smirked and said, "well, I haven't either."


"Just kiss me, Elvis Cridlington."

Elvis grinned awkwardly as their faces moved closer. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they leaned in for a kiss.

It was tender at first. Their lips were hardly touching, but soon started to melt in more. Elvis leaned in more, happy to finally be kissing the girl of his dreams. Penny was jumping up and down in her mind, unable to believe what was happening as their kiss became more passionate.

After about a minute, their lips finally parted with some reluctance.

Elvis sighed dreamily, "ahh, I've always wanted to do that."

Penny giggled, "I've always wanted to do that."

They grinned at each other awkwardly, still blushing before Elvis said, "I-I would like to marry you someday. Not now, but-"

Penny put a gentle finger to his lips, "shh. I know. I want to have a baby with you too."

Elvis, shocked, spluttered out, "a baby?! Who-who said anything about-"

Penny giggled, "Elvis, I want my children to look like you."

Elvis blushed again and said, "you mean, you wouldn't mind them being over 6 feet tall by 15 and having long noses and pompadours??"

Penny giggled, "of course not. I'd love for them to have those traits."

Elvis scooted even closer to Penny and whispered, "well, I'd love that. I'd also love for them to have blonde hair and little noses."

Penny blushed and said, "what if they were a mix of both?"

Elvis's blush intensified as he said, "they'd be beautiful no matter what, darling."

Penny smiled as Elvis quickly closed the door to the bedroom shut.

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now