Chapter 9

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2 days later...

"I'm not so sure about this," Trevor Evans said as Ellie and Ben put on some plastic wings with obviously fake feathers attached to them. Trevor already had a halo attached to a wire down his back, which was pretty uncomfortable.

"Deal with it," Ellie muttered under her breath, "Ben, the wings are too short."

"Hey," Trevor said, "I happen to like my body..."

Ben sighed, "Ellie, are you really sure that this is a good idea? I mean, what if Trevor-"

"Look, I don't actually know," Ellie admitted, "but Sam agreed, and, well, when Sam agrees, Sam agrees."

"I actually kinda want to do it, now that I think about it," Trevor admitted, "even if you think that it's a terrible idea, I want to do it!"

"Well, I guess it's settled, then," Sam said, walking up to the three friends, "you ready, Trev? Arnold's already gone to ask Elvis to go to Bella's."

"I guess so," Trevor breathed, "but I'm a bit worried Sam."

Sam put a hand on his friend's shoulder, "it's alright, Trev. It may be a stupid idea, but we've got to do it for Elvis and Penny's sake. They're never going to get together if we don't actually DO something."

Trevor nodded, "alright. I'm ready."

"Elvis?" Arnold asked, searching around the fire station for the black haired and tall fireman. As he neared one of the many bathrooms, there was the sound of a toilet flushing and water running. Then Elvis emerged from the restroom.

"Great," Arnold said, "just the guy I was lookin' for."

"Why?" Elvis asked.

"I need you to go to Bella's to get some food. Steele requested it, actually."

"What kind?" Elvis asked.

"Any," Arnold says, "Steele just wants something different."

"Okay," Elvis said, "I'll leave in a minute or so. I just have to get something to drink, I'm dead thirsty."

"Alright," Arnold grinned awkwardly, "but hurry up. Oh! And bring Penny along with you!"

Elvis blushed, "really?"

"Yeah! She needs something to do," Arnold said, "she's been feelin' a little down lately, Ellie told me."

"Uh, okay," Elvis stuttered, clearly flustered, "I'll be sure to get her."

In truth, Penny was feeling a bit down. She felt that her feelings for Elvis were pressing down on her heart, like a crushing anvil that was ready to destroy her at any moment. Right now she was sitting on the couch, feeling a bit sad about it all, when suddenly Elvis Cridlington, the man of her dreams, came up and waved awkwardly.

"Oh, hey," Penny said, trying to remain calm, "what are you doing here?"

"Uh, Arnold said we need to go to Bella's," Elvis told her, "both of us."

Penny's cheeks turned pink, "US?" she asked, "why us?"

Elvis shrugged, "dunno. That's what Steele wants, I guess."

Penny grinned, "alright Visie, let's get going."

"I'm tellin' ya, Ma!!! We saw all sorts of treasures in that cave!!!"

"Norman Stanley Price, you stop with all of that nonsense!!!" Dilys told her young son, "it isn't true, and it isn't fair to be pullin' this prank on me!!

"No, he's tellin' the truth!!" Derek pleaded, "he would never lie, Auntie Dilys, honest!"

Dilys turned away, clearly not believing the two boys. Norman and Derek looked hopelessly at each other, then decided, without even saying anything, to go to Bella's to cheer themselves up.

Elvis and Penny were awkwardly in Jupiter, driving to Bella Lasagna's Cafe. Penny was driving, while Elvis was in the passenger seat. They tried not to look at each other, for fear of awkward blushes and giggles.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at Bella's Cafe. Penny parked Jupiter, and the two of them got out of the fire truck and entered the cafe. Bella greeted them warmly, not realizing the awkwardness of the situation.

"So, what are we looking for?" Penny finally asked after an awkward moment of silence.

"Um, Arnold said it didn't matter," Elvis replied, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, "we just have to get something different, Steele says."

"Okay," Penny said quietly as they started to look around for something near Bella's checkout center. Now, the Italian woman finally realized that they were blushing an awful lot, yet she didn't say anything, because just at that moment she noticed the entire rest of the Rescue Team, with Trevor, dressed as an angel for some reason, nearing the cafe. While at first she didn't realize why, she had a feeling it was because of Elvis and Penny, and why they were blushing so much in each other's presence.

Elvis's feelings felt like a burden, something he couldn't contain any longer. It was like a water hose, filled with water, ready to be sprayed on the raging fire. He was so in love with Penny, so deeply, to the point where it felt as though he was going to burst from all of the affection.

"Penny?" he said in a hoarse whisper, turning to his fellow firefighter, "I-I need to tell you something." He moved closer to her, taking her hands in his.

"What is it?" she asked, clearly curious."

"I-I-" Elvis was trying to speak, but the feelings felt like a lump in his throat, unable to escape. He was choking on his own emotions.

However, before Elvis could muster any of his courage, there came a loud shout:

"THE ANGEL OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!!"

The next thing that Elvis and Penny saw was Trevor flying right towards them. Penny ducked before Elvis could even process what was happening.


"Ohmygod that was NOT supposed to happen!!!" It was Ellie's voice that Penny heard. She looked up to see Elvis and Trevor in a huge heap. Trevor was groaning in pain, while Elvis appeared battered and bruised, not to mention unconcious.

"Um," Sam said, rushing in, "we may need to call Nurse Flood."

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now