Chapter 14

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"I'm tellin' you, Derek and I found treasure!!!"

"Norman Price, stop making up lies!!!" Sarah said.

Norman, Derek, Mandy, Sarah, James, and Hannah were all hanging out at Pontypandy Park, where, for the past hour, Norman and Derek had been trying to get them to believe their story of discovering treasure. So far, none of them were taking it.

"Norman, you did NOT find any 'treasure!'" Hannah said, "you're just lying."

"No, I swear, he is NOT lying!!" Derek said, protecting his cousin, "I was there too!!"

"We can't trust you either, Derek," Sarah said, crossing her arms, "as a matter of fact, I trust him LESS than I trust YOU."

Norman blushed from embarrassment and looked down at the ground. Derek was now getting cross.

"Listen," the latter said, "if we say we saw treasure then we saw treasure. Is that clear??"

"You can't tell us what to believe," Mandy huffed.

"Well, you SHOULD believe me!!" Derek shouted back.

"Look, that's enough," Sarah said, getting in front of the two friends, "fighting won't solve this issue. Norman, I can't find myself believing you, but Derek, this is taking it WAY too far!"

Derek hung his head in shame, though Norman could tell that it was fake. 

"All I'm sayin'," Norman started to say, "is that we found something. Pirate's treasure or somethin' like that."

"And how exactly are you going to prove this??" Sarah asked, clearly not interested.

"We could go back," Norman said, "if we could just find the place where it was..."

"Woah woah woah," Hannah said, holding up a hand, "you can't even remember where the place is?!?!"

"Oh my God..." Mandy facepalmed, "of all the stupid things to do..."

"Look, it's by the hills, I think..." Derek said, rubbing his chin, "yes, it was by the-"

"Oh, I have a map!" James said, finally piping up, "I always bring my Junior Cadet's Guide Book with me wherever I go!!"

"James, don't help those two fools," Sarah told her twin brother, "you're just going to end up in some crazy emergency again."

"Yeah, those were some good times," Norman said, "man, good times..."

"Shut up," Mandy turned towards the ginger boy, "James, I think you should just keep your book to yourself. Norman always takes advantage of you!!"

"Hey, I won't do that!!!" Norman said, raising his hands high into the air, "not THIS time!!"

"You always say that, Norman," Sarah groaned, "and you never stick to it."

Before the arguments could continue, Sam, who was returning home to the fire station with Arnold, said, "what are you guys up to?"

"Oh, Fireman Sam!" Norman said, turning around excitedly, "you won't believe what Derek and I found a few days ago on my birthday!!"

"What?" Sam asked.

"We found treasure!!!" Derek said, practically pushing his ginger cousin out of the way, causing the latter to become infuriated.

"Treasure?" Arnold piped up, "I didn't think that there could be treasure around here..."

"It is Pontypandy, Arnold," Sam smirked, "anything could happen."

"Like the time there were aliens in Pontypandy, and Buck Douglas-" Norman started.

"You mean that little turd of a David Tennant ripoff??" Sam said, "oh yeah, that was all a hoax, remember, Norman?"

"I remember Wallaby II," Arnold said, trying to make the mood lighter, "such a fascinating-"

Derek was about to yell, 'nobody cares,' when Norman covered his mouth. Derek threw himself away from his cousin as Norman said, "eew, did you just lick my hand?!"

"Yes," Derek replied, "and you deserved it."

Sam and Arnold looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Anyways, Derek and I found all of this treasure," Norman continued, taking up the story again, "but we had to go home because my Mam would get mad, and-"


Norman jumped and turned around to see his mother, Dilys Price, hands planted on her hips, clearly done with Norman's crap.

"C'mon, you two boys should get home," Dilys said as she escorted her son and nephew towards their home, "enough of this treasure nonsense..."

"Oookkayyy...??" Arnold said after a moment of silence as they looked on as the boys were shoved inside, "welp, that was weird."

"I think we'd better go home, Arnold," Sam whispered, "Steele's expecting us."

Arnold nodded as the two of them walked home towards the fire station.

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