Chapter 20

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Elvis opened his eyes again, and saw a house. It wasn't a house that he had ever seen before, but it was big, with blue and white windows, and looked like it could house a family of 8. 

"Who's house is this?" Elvis asked, turning to King. However, the ghost didn't respond. He was looking into an open window that Elvis hadn't noticed until just now. 

Curious, Elvis looked inside the house, and gasped.

There, on the couch, sat Sam and Penny. Sam was now 60 years old, with graying hair and a moustache, looking proudly at a little baby that he was holding. Penny, now in her 50s, sat right beside her husband. Her beautiful blonde hair now had a tint of gray, but she still looked absolutely stunning. Elvis couldn't help but whistle at her beauty. 

Standing around the 3 people were 4 more people. One of them was a young man, with strawberry blonde hair and an unshaved chin. He was wearing casual clothes, and looked like he was about 19 or 20 years of age. He was holding hands with an Asian woman who looked like she was about a year or two older than him. She had long black hair in a braid, modest makeup, and beautiful long eyelashes. She was truly a bombshell, and it was very clear that she was in a relationship with the strawberry blonde dude, as she had a big diamond engagement ring on her left ring finger. The little baby, who had a little hint of black hair upon their head, and looked to be a a mix of Asian and Caucasian, was clearly their child. The baby was wrapped in a white blanket, and had a pacifier in their mouth. They were sleeping soundly, and looked to be about at most a week or two old.

Beside the couple was a ginger-haired girl who was about 15 or 16 years of age. Her hair was cropped short in a bob, and she wore a denim jacket and had braces and some acne. 

Finally, there was a little boy, who looked about 10 years of age, with blonde hair which was slightly long. He was wearing a Christmas sweater, and was jumping up and down, saying, "can I hold the baby?? Can I hold the baby!!!"

"What a happy family," Elvis muttered to himself.

"Y'know, Greg and Elizabeth" Sam said, turning to the ginger girl as he handed the baby gently to the little boy, "I still can't believe that you decided to name the baby after me."

"Well, you are the hero next door," Greg, the strawberry blonde dude, said, "and you've been such an influence on me, Dad, that it was the best choice for Elizabeth and I."

Elizabeth, his fiancé, nodded as they shared a kiss.

"So," the ginger girl said, "when's the wedding again?"

"Stacy, don't be rude," Penny reprimanded her daughter.

"I was just asking, Mom," the teenage girl replied, folding her arms.

"It'll be next June," Elizabeth answered, "it was originally going to be in March, but little Sammy has been a lot of work for us, and especially since I'm still in college, we had to reschedule it."

"But now it's all worked out," Greg said, giving his fiancé a kiss as the blonde boy handed the baby to him.

"I think I like him," the little blonde boy said, "he's cute."

"Well, he's going to be part of your life forever, Fred," Stacy teased her younger brother, ruffling his blonde hair.

"So, Pops," Stacy said, turning to Sam, "how does it feel to be a granddad?"

"Honestly, it feels great," Sam said, and then turned to Penny. "But this never would've happened had I not married your mother 20 years ago." Sam and Penny then leaned in and shared a tender kiss.

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