Chapter 23

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"Oh my God, we have been walking for SOOOOO long!!!!"

"Norman, shut up! You were the one who wanted to come here in the FIRST place!!!"

Everyone was tired and starving. They had been walking for what seemed like forever, and it was getting very dark. James was lagging the farthest behind, while Sarah kept snapping at Norman no matter what he did. The ginger Price couldn't help but blush a little whenever she looked at him. Her blonde hair looked so nice in the dark...


It was Derek.

"What??" Norman said, snapping out of his thoughts, trying not to blush, "what is it???"

"We're here, you daft moron."

Norman looked, and saw the cave. It looked even more eerie and ominous in the nighttime.

"So, this is the place?" Hannah said, wheeling up to the two cousins, "looks alright, I suppose."

"Yeah," Derek said, "we-we're here..."

"Yeah," James said, "but it looks scary..."

"Oh, don't be a baby, James," Norman said, "let's go."

"Did you bring a torch?" Sarah asked.

"Uh, no..." Norman said, his face turning bright red.

"Did Derek at least bring one??" Mandy piped up.

"No..." Derek admitted sheepishly, "did any of you...?"

Everyone froze.

"No," Hannah finally said, "I didn't..."

"Me neither," Mandy said.

Everyone turned to the twins.

"No," Sarah said as James clutched her, "we didn't..."

"Oh, great," Mandy said, rolling her eyes and folding her arms, "now we're basically in the middle of nowhere without a torch!!"

"Relax!!" Derek said, "the last time Norman and I went we didn't have a torch, and we were just fine!!!"

"Well, there were less of us then," Sarah said, "and plus, James is going to wet his pants if we don't leave soon."

"Heyyyy..." James said, "I won't wet my pants!!!"

"Oh good Lord," Hannah said, facepalming, "did NO one plan this??"

"Uh..." Norman said, rubbing his chin, "no."

"Well," Hannah said, folding her arms, "what do you suppose we do NOW???"

"Uh, go forward??" Norman shrugged, trying to sound confident.

"Yes, I agree with Norman," Derek said, then turned away and started to walk towards the cave, "let's go."

Everyone except Norman sighed. "This is a disaster," Hannah muttered as they all followed him into the cave. As soon as they entered the giant hole they were engulfed in darkness.

"AHHH!!" James said, grabbing Mandy's arm, "I can't see anything!! Mommy!!!!"

"Oh, James, there's nothing really scary in here," Sarah said, taking her brother's hand in hers, "and if there IS anything I'll make SURE that you don't get hurt. Okay?"

"Okay," James said nervously.

"Can you let go of my arm now?" Mandy asked, "you're cutting off my circulation."

"Oh. Right, yeah," James said, blushing as he let go of Mandy's arm, 'sorry, Mandy."

Norman rolled his eyes, "hurry UP you guys!!!"

"Oh, be quiet, Norman," Hannah replied.

"No one asked you..." Norman said grumpily, folding his arms, "literally no one was even TALKING to you..."

"Wait!!!" Derek halted, holding his arms up wide. Everyone stopped, and James bumped into one of Derek's arms, right on the nose.

"OWW!!!" James exclaimed.

"Derek!!" Sarah screamed, "what are you doing?!"

"We've arrived at the second part," Derek whispered, "there's a cliff right here."

"A what?" Mandy asked.

"A cliff!!" Derek said, "we've got to climb down slowly by using footings!!"

"Are you crazy?!" Hannah said, "this is INSANE, Derek!!!"

"Oh, SHUT UP!!!" Norman yelled, and stamped his foot loudly on the ground. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound. Everyone looked at Norman.

"Norman," Sarah said carefully, "what did you do?"

"I-I-" Norman said sheepishly.

Suddenly, the entire edge in which the kids were standing on fell. It fell down, down, down, down the cliff. Everyone screamed, and Hannah grabbed a foothold with one hand and Derek's hand with another. Derek grabbed Norman's ginger hair, causing him to cry out in pain. However, he grabbed Mandy's hand, and Mandy, with her other hand, grabbed Sarah's hand. James, who was screaming and crying like crazy, was grabbed by Sarah and held by him in one hand. She slung James over her shoulder, and he held on as tightly as possible.

"What's happening?!" James screamed, "are we dead?!"

"Not yet..." Hannah said. Derek was using his head to keep Hannah's wheelchair from falling down to the ground, as Hannah had no hands to keep it up.

"We need help!!!" Mandy screamed, "does anyone have a phone???"

"I think I do..." Sarah said, "but I don't have any hands to grab it..."

"James!" Hannah called out, "can you get Sarah's phone??"

"I don't know where it is!!!" James cried, tears streaming down his face, "we're going to DIE!!!!!!"

"James, we're not going to die," Sarah told her brother calmly, "now listen to me carefully. My phone is in my left pocket. Can you reach in and get it?"

"Yes," James said, and detached one of his hands from around Sarah. He reached into the left pocket of her overalls, and felt around until he finally said, "I got it! I found it!!"

"Good!" Sarah said, "now dial 999!"

James proceeded to dial what his sister had told him to. 

"Which service to you require?" came the voice.

"Fire Service!!!" all of the kids called out.

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