Chapter 7

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Ellie had gathered the entire Rescue Team together: Sam, Arnold, Tom, and Ben. Lizzie and Helen couldn't be there because they were busy with their shifts. Moose was also there (i dunno if he like officially part of the rescue team).

"Alright," Tom said, "why have we been brought here, Ellie mate?"

"It's very complicated," Ellie said as she got out a huge file from a nearby drawer, "it has to do with Elvis and Penny."

"Well, I have a little theory, mates," Tom said, scratching his chin.

"What is it???" Moose asked excitedly.

"My theory," Tom said slowly, "is that Elvis has a little thing for Penny!!!"

"Really?!" Ben screamed, nearly falling out of his trees, "I've been thinking the same thing too!!!"

"That's just what I was going to say!!" Ellie said, "Penny feels the same!!"

"Really?" Moose said, "I've always thought that they liked each other..."

Ellie was ready to tell everyone EVERYTHING. "Arnold confronted Elvis about it-"

"Not really," Arnold blushed, "he was kinda singing about it, and I-I caught him in the act-"

"Yeah," Ellie said excitedly, "and Elvis admitted that he had a crush on Penny!"

"It's not a crush," Sam smirked, "he's head over heels in love with her, Ellie!"

Tom's jaw dropped. "Mate," he finally spoke, "no frickin' way."

"YES, frickin' way!!" Ellie squealed excitedly, "and after I came to check on him and talk about it a few hours later, I ran into Penny, and guess what?!?"

"She feels the same way," Ben concluded.

"YES!! She told me that she feels the same way!"

"I predict that a wedding's not far off," Sam said, rubbing his chin. Arnold nodded in agreement.

"So, what's the plan, Ell?" Moose asked, "I expect that there is one."

"Oh, of COURSE there is!!" Ellie said, "2 days from now at Bella's cafe, we'll lure Elvis there to get-uh-something for cooking-"

"You know that he kinda sucks at cooking..." Arnold muttered.

"Yeah but no one has the heart to tell him," Sam replied, "he's so naive and innocent..."

"And we can get Penny to come along with him," Ellie thought aloud, "perhaps to get something healthy or something-she loves that sort of thing-and then Trevor..."

"Trevor???" Sam said, "since when was Trevor involved with this??"

"Since he used to be an Auxiliary Fireman!" Ellie replied.

"He quit before Tom arrived, to focus more on bus drivin', though" Sam says, "and I doubt that he's been keepin' in peak physical shape since..."

"He was NEVER in peak physical shape," Moose said, "as far as I know, he's never exercised a day in his life."

"Well, I told him to be here by 8 PM," Ellie said, folding her arms, "bus and all."

"Okay, but what's HE goin' to do??" Ben asked, "is he going to help??"

"He shall be the Angel of Love!!"

"Uh, what's that???" Arnold asked.

"He's going to put on some angel wings," Ellie said, "and a halo, and Sam'll get a wire with Moose, he's got all sorts of things in his pack, and Trevor'll attach himself to the wire, and we'll fling him in front of Elvis n' Penny when they get a moment alone, he'll scream something about love or whatnot, and they'll confess right then and there!!"

"That sounds stupid," Arnold muttered, only for Sam to jab him in the ribs.

"I guess that could work," Ben said, "but what if he gets hurt?"

"Oh, he won't!!" Ellie said, "he's survived years of flirting with multiple women without any of them really batting an eye at it! Well, except for Dilys, that is."

"So, we're just gonna watch while this happens?" Sam asked.

"Basically," Ellie nodded.

"I still think it's barmy," Arnold said.

"Think what you want to think," Ellie said, rubbing him off, "but, oh, Trevor's here."

There was a sudden knocking at the door right after Ellie had spotted Trevor's old bus. (it was never replaced after falling off a cliff in heroes of the storm in this version, the bus is NOSTALGIA!!) Sam and Moose got up and opened the door. 

There stood Trevor Evans, a bus driver who was about 50 or so years of age. And beside him was a tall fireman with blonde hair that was styled in the way of Jerry Lee Lewis.

"Well, Great Fires of London," Sam smirked, "welcome back to Pontypandy, Jerry Lee Cridlington."

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now