Chapter 10

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Trevor Evans had shattered his foot, sprained his ankle, dislocated a rib, had a minor concussion, and a whole lot of trauma.

The entire Rescue Team, Sam, Steele, Ben, Elvis, Penny, Ellie, Arnold, Tom, Moose, Jerry Lee, and Nurse Flood, all stood around Trevor's bed in the hospital. 

Trevor had a big cast on his foot, a bandage wrapped around the ankle of the other, was still recovering from having his rib popped back into place, and his head had bumps and bruises all over.

Arnold glanced at Ellie, "this is kinda your fault."

"N-no it wasn't!" Trevor coughed out, "I-I wanted to do it-"

Steele was silent. Finally he looked at the Rescue Team and said, "what happened?"

Everyone was silent. Finally Penny spoke up, "to be honest, Sir, I-we-uh-don't know. Or at least I don't know."

Elvis gulped, then looked down at the floor in shame. If only he had been quick enough to duck, then Trevor wouldn't be as injured. Elvis had a bruise on his head, but was not as injured as Trevor. Somehow it felt as though it was all his fault...

"Sir," Ellie presently piped up, "it was my fault. Go ahead and fire me."

Steele looked confused, "why? I-I'm simply confused. Why on earth was Trevor-"

"We'll explain," Sam said, "but-uh-we'll have to tell you later. When we're in a more private place."

"Alright," Steele said reluctantly, "but-ah-Boyce is coming over."

"Oh no!" Elvis groaned. He secretly disliked Boyce quite a lot, but was not the best at hiding it. Just like how he was not the best at hiding his feelings for Penny, except Penny didn't know herself.

"Why?" Arnold asked.

"He's not happy about all of this," Steele said, "and it's been... 30 years..."

"30 years since what?!" Sam asked.

"30 years since I married his fiancé."

"What?!" everyone gasped. Nothing made sense anymore, not even their own emotions for each other.

"You see," Steele admitted, "long ago, Boyce and I were friends. But after we met Doris, we both instantly fell in love with her. Doris and Boyce- they got engaged after a while. But soon..."

"You're moving too fast," Sam said, holding up his hands, "I-I can't comprehend this."

"Alright," Steele said, "I'll start over. 30 years ago the 2 of us were the best of friends. We both worked together at Pontypandy Fire Station, the old station that has since been destroyed. Oh, it was great. Like Sam and Elvis, we were. The very best of friends. I was the strong one, and he was the more nervous, shy, and softspoken one. I was so brave, and he was so timid. But still, we often got in trouble with our boss, Station Officer Timms. He was strict and stoic, and rarely had any sympathy for anything. He never showed much emotion, and would often yell at poor Horatio, calling him by his last name. 'Boyce!' this and 'Boyce!' that. I was the one that was admired, the hero next door, just like Sam is now. I was even offered a job in Newtown as Deputy Chief Fire Officer, but I declined. I wanted to take the job, but Boyce... Boyce took me aside and said, "now, don't you go leave me alone with Timms, eh?" So I thought it over, and decided against it. I wanted to serve the people of Pontypandy, especially since there were so few of them back then. Only about 30 people, the town was so small... Trevor was younger then, a good friend. He had an afro, I believe. There was never anyone new, so when Doris Drake arrived from Newtown when we were in our early 30s, it took us quite by shock. She was so beautiful, so young, so naive... we fell in love with her instantly, both of us. This caused us to fight. Boyce would tell me that she loved me, and I would tell him that she loved me. We were foolish, that's what we were. So when Doris came and told him one day that she wanted to go on a date with him, he was more than happy. Of course I was jealous, more jealous than I've ever been in my life. Before long someone tells me, Trevor or Dilys, I think, that they're engaged! Of course I was mad, so I went over to Doris's house and told her that it wasn't a well thought-out decision, that they had only been datin' for about a month or so. So she said, "you're right. I'm not ready for marriage." She then asked me if I would like to get coffee, and I said yes. Before long, we fell in love, and got married. Of course Boyce was upset. So when the offer to transfer to Newtown came up, he jumped at it. We've never been the same ever since."

There was silence for a moment. Sam sat down, while Elvis put his head in his hands. Penny tried to comfort the latter by putting her hand on his shoulder, trying to speak words of comfort, but nothing came out. 

Trevor looked at Steele and said, "I'm glad she didn't marry him. It wasn't well thought out, and Boyce has changed a lot. He went from being a kind and innocent man to a strict and ridged- and quite arrogant, I must say-old chap. I'm glad she married you, Basil."

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Boyce. 

"Hello, Basil," Boyce said quietly.

"Hello, Horatio."

There was a heavy silence for a moment. The air was tense. Elvis squirmed about a bit. Penny moved closer to him, then grabbed his hand. She squeezed Elvis's hand tight, causing him to blush. He looked down, confused. His legs felt weak, as though he was about to faint. 

"Hello," Boyce told the others, "what's going on here? I've heard that Evans has gotten himself hurt?"

"Uh, yes," Steele said, trying to protect the others, especially Ellie. If they told him that it was a 'private' matter, Boyce would get all nosy and want to pry into their business. 

"It's been 30 years," Boyce finally said coldly, getting closer to Steele as he crossed his arms, "I'm still single, you know. Been trying on Tinder for quite a while now. But no one seems to want a bald old Chief Fire Officer."

"Yes, you do look like Egghead, Horatio," Steele grinned in a mocking manner.

"Oh snap," Tom said.

"Dude..." was all Ben could reply with.

Arnold facepalmed. Penny and Elvis smiled at each other shyly, amused by the situation.

"Oh shut up," Boyce said, folding his arms and looking pouty, "you're fat like a bowling ball."

"OOOOOHHHHHH!!!" Moose screamed before Tom could cover his mouth, "dang!!!"

Nurse Flood got between them, "alright, boys, that's quite enough. Trevor needs to rest. Why don't you all leave?"

"Alright," Sam said awkwardly, "see ya later, Trev."

With the air still heavy with the recent insults between the elderly firefighters, the Rescue Team left. Steele and Boyce looked menacingly at each other.

"Our son Roger just graduated from college," Steele said to Boyce, "and Maddy's just had a baby." He was talking about his 2 children, Madison 'Maddy' and Roger. Maddy was 27 years old and had just had a little baby boy named Mark, not to mention she was a secretary for the mayor, and Roger was 20 and had just graduated from college, with hopes of becoming a doctor someday.

"Good for you," Boyce said sarcastically, "you know I could have had children..."

"You may still have a chance with someone," Steele said, "not that she would want you..."

"Oh, will you just SHUT UP?!" Boyce demanded, getting closer and backing up Steele into a corner, "you see, THIS is what happens when you fall in love!! It's terrible!" He then turned to the others. Elvis was trying to hide behind Sam, which was obviously failing because he was so much taller than the former. Arnold's knees were knocking together, and he was grasping Ellie's hands. Ben, Tom, and Moose were all backing up, ready to leave. Penny was clenching and unclenching her fists, while Sam's eyes were pleading with Steele not to do anything terrible. Jerry Lee was standing right beside Sam, trying not to have a panic attack. Ellie looked nervous and guilty, believing that this was all her fault.

"Never get married," Boyce told them, "none of you."

Penny and Sam rolled their eyes at the same time, though Boyce didn't see them. He then left, leaving Steele alone in the corner. Boyce walked right out of the hospital, closing the door behind him.

Steele then turned to the others, saying, "I think we should leave. Cridlington, Morris, you stay here for another hour and keep us updated. The rest of us will return to the fire station."

Elvis and Penny nodded.

Although most of the team knew that what Boyce had said was crazy, Elvis Cridlington made a vow in his mind that day to never confess his love to Penny Morris.

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