The Beginning

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Five years before the rookie timeline.

One night after training at the academy, Lucy was out with her friends Jackson and John (they were not dating in this story) at the local bar. They each took it in turns to buy rounds of drinks. After some time Jackson and Lucy were doing a Karaoke song for the bar; once finished Lucy said "I'll meet you back at the table." Jackson nodded.

Lucy made her way to the bar and ordered another round of drinks. While Lucy was waiting for the drinks see saw a handsome man next to her. He turned to her and smiled.

The guy: "Hi, you look good."

Lucy: "Hi, same as you. How are u."

The guy: "I'm good, just a hard day in the office."

Lucy: "Yeah, what's ur job?"

The guy: "I'm a police officer."

Lucy: "Yeah."

The guy was staring at Lucy with wide eyes. He wanted to kiss her so bad, next thing he knew he was kissing her.

He quickly pulled away and said "I'm so sorry, I didn't -" He was interrupted when Lucy pulled him in and kissed him. He led her to the bathroom, where they started kissing again and they were deepening the kiss as they started to undress each other.

The guy: "Are you okay with this and are you sure?" Lucy responded "Yeah, do you have protection?" The guy shook his head no and apologised. Lucy pulled him closer as they started kissing again.

They did the yk yk yk.

After they finished, they started putting their clothes back on and Lucy asked "What's your name? I never managed to ask." The guy respond "That's not important, it was a one time thing, it not like will ever meet again." Lucy agreed.

As they said their goodbyes, Lucy made her way over to where Jackson and John were sitting. At the same time the guys asked "Where were you?" Lucy said "I was waiting for our drinks and started talking to this gentleman."

A couple weeks later.

Lucy woke up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. Jackson heard this and raced to where Lucy was.

Jackson: "OMG Lucy are you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah, just feeling a little sick."

Jackson: "Oh my God are you pregnant?"

Lucy: "What! No what would make you say that."

Jackson: "Well, 'cause we didn't go out drinking last night and this is the third time this week that you have thrown up. Did you sleep with someone?"

Lucy: "I mean ... I hooked up with that guy from the bar a couple weeks ago. FUCK. We didn't use protection. I better take a test to be on the safe side."

They went to the store and brought a pregnancy test. Once home, Lucy immediately went to the bathroom and took it. After her timer went off see flipped the test around.

"NO NO NO Nooooo!" Lucy screamed. Jackson came to the down as Lucy opened it. She had tears in her eyes and showed Jackson.

Jackson: "Oh Lucy, I'm so sorry. But John and I will be here for you with whatever you decide."

Lucy: "I know you guys will be. I want to keep this child as I do not regret what I did."

Nine months later.

Lucy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that she named Olivia May Chen. During the birth, Jackson and John never ever left her side and supported her through the whole thing. After a few nights in the hospital, Lucy went home with baby Olivia.

She called her mum to tell her the news but all Lucy's mum did was constantly telling her she is the biggest disappointment. This rocked Lucy to her core, she was so upset that her mum was not going to support this. Jackson and John knew what Lucy's parents, especially her mum were like and how they constantly made Lucy feel shit about herself.

As months went by, Lucy loved being a mother to Olivia and was always so happy to come home and spend some time with her daughter.

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