The truth comes to light

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Two months later, the abuse was still going on. Chris continued to rape and abuse Lucy, then he started going at Olivia and would constantly hit her whenever she disobeyed him. Lucy was always in her flight or fight mode because of this.

One Sunday night, Chris came over as always but before he left gave Lucy a black eye and because he would have the girls together, that night he decided to rape Olivia. All Olivia could do was scream and Lucy tried to get Chris off Olivia, but Lucy was weaker than Chris and wasn't able to. Once Chris was finished, he hit the girls for a little longer and than left. Lucy then looked at Olivia who was crying her eyes out and she hugged her tight.

Lucy spoke softly: "Darling, look at me. I'm so sorry that this happened to you, I didn't think he would go after you. You're a sweet girl that will stand up for me whenever you get the chance but you didn't deserve this. Don't ever think this was your fault because it wasn't, it is all his fault."

Olivia: "Ok mum. You didn't deserve this either. It's not your fault either, please don't blame yourself because I need you mum. But we should tell someone about it because you and I both know he'll be back tomorrow and this time it could be worst."

Lucy: "I know, but everyone will think I'm weak and question everything I do."

They continued to comfort each other and fell asleep hugging.

The next morning

The morning routine was the same as the past two months, Lucy and Olivia applied makeup over the bruisers to cover them up. Lucy covered her black eye up but what she didn't know was that the was still some of the bruise showing.

They arrive at the station and got ready for the day. As they walked into the women's locker Angela and Nyla were there talk, they see Lucy and Olivia walk in. They all exchange a 'hey', and Angela and Nyla both notice the faint bruise around her eye but doesn't say anything, they then head out and start talking.

Nyla: "Did you see that bruise around her eye?"

Angela: "Yeah I did, but there is something wrong with Olivia. She almost seems terrified."

Nyla: "Yeah, I did pick up on that. We'll see how the rest of the shift goes and ask her if she is okay."

Back with Lucy and Olivia 

They finish getting ready in the locker room. Lucy turns to Olivia and asked "are you ready? Remember not to say a word, okay?"

Olivia: "Yes mum okay."

They leave the locker room and were walking to Grey's office, when someone slammed a door loud which made Olivia jump scared and gripping tight on Lucy hand. Lucy lets Olivia know that she is okay, but what they didn't know that Angela, Nyla, Grey and Tim all notice this which they were all confused.

As Lucy and Olivia were walking to Grey's office, Chris walked into the station looking for the girls. He walked into the bull pen and asked a few officers where they were, when the girls come into his sight he says in an angry tone "there you are, I though you had the day off so we could spend time today." Lucy had fear in her eyes, all she could think about was what Chris is planning to do to her and her daughter.

Lucy quickly says back "I'm so sorry, I was called in today and there wasn't any way of getting out of it. I'm sorry I should have let you know." She was hoping he would buy the lie. He grabs her wrist tightly and says "I believe you're lying to me, you're going to go to Grey's office and ask for the day off. Then you know what will happen next."

The gang all saw the way Chris grabbed Lucy's wrist and became a bit defensive, they wanted to help her but didn't know what was going on. Grey saw what had happened and walked out of his office to say "Chen, do you have a minute? Chris you need to be going now." Lucy nodded as she took Olivia with her to Grey's office.

Grey: "Lucy are you okay? What is going on?"

Lucy: " I'm okay and nothing is going on, Olivia sweetie you're staying here with Uncle Grey okay?" Olivia nods her head as Lucy turns and leaves. Grey texts Angela and Nyla asking if they could keep an eye on Lucy to make sure she is okay as he noticed bruising on her eye, they let Grey know that they will.

Grey accidentally knocked something off his desk and Olivia jumps. She got so scared that this ran to the corner of his office and started crying. Grey went over to Olivia and said "hey, hey it's okay. I accidentally knock something off my desk. Why are you so worried and scared? Has something bad happened to you?" All Olivia could do was nod at the question asked. Grey followed up saying "has something bad happened to your mum as well?" She nods again and Grey is very concerned about their wellbeing.

Grey: "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Olivia: "No, I can't -"

Grey interrupts her: "Your safe, you can tell me."

Olivia: "I can't break my promise to my mum."

Grey: "By not telling me, you guys are in more danger and could get hurt. You're not breaking anything, you're calling out for help to help protect your mum. I will get Angela and Nyla to talk to you mum. Now, we'll have a talk about everything."

With Angela and Nyla 

They spot Lucy and call out for her. Lucy turns to them and says "hey, what's up?"

Angela: "We need to have a talk, follow us." She follows them to a private room where no one can hear them.

Once in the room, Lucy asks "okay, what's going on?"

Angela and Nyla turn to look at each other then turn back to face in Lucy's direction again.

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