Grey meets Olivia

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At home after the first day.

Lucy and Olivia were in the kitchen cooking dinner and discussing their days.

Lucy: "How was school?"

Olivia: "It was good, how was work?"

Lucy: "It was okay. My training officer is strict and nearly got me fired for talking to our boss. He made me walk outside the shop as I couldn't tell him where we were and he also got shot."

Olivia: "Woah, he sounds like a bully. Wait ... he got shot, are you okay do I need to nurse you to health?"

Lucy: "No I'm okay, I wasn't shot." Olivia lets out a sign of relief.

They continue talking when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door, Lucy look shock and confused. She opens the door to see it was Sergeant Grey.

Lucy: "Sir."

Grey: "Sorry for interrupting. I don't normally do this, but after our talk I was wondering if I could meet your daughter."

Lucy: "Yes sir you can. Come on in."

They walk into the kitchen to Olivia.

Olivia: "Mum, who's this?"

Before Lucy could answer Grey interrupted.

Grey: "Hi, you are so beautiful. I'm Sergeant Wade Grey, your mum's boss. What may  your name be?

Olivia: "Hi, thank you. I'm Olivia May Chen. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Grey was taken back by how nice this girl was.

Grey: "Lucy, your daughter is so polite, did you teach her manners? Also may I ask how old is she?"

Lucy: "I took care of her like any other mother does, but I never had to keep her to be nice and polite or even when she should use her manners. She grew up like that and also she is five years old, sir.

Grey: "Lucy, that is amazing for five years old. You seem to be a great mother to her. Also outside of work you can call me Wade. You're different to any other rookies I have ever seen. I would like to hang out with you guys and also my wife Luna would be more than happy to babysit her for you."

Lucy: "Thank you so much. I may have to take you up on your offer. How much would you like me to pay your wife for baby sitting.

Grey: "I'll mention it to her but when I tell her your story, she will do it for free. Plus she would understand more than me how hard this has and will be for you being a single mum. I'm so sorry that your family is not here to support you and help you with caring for her."

Lucy: "Again, thank you so much Wade, I really appreciate what you are doing for me."

They spend a couple of hours talking and when Wade looks at the time he told Lucy that he will be heading home and will see her tomorrow. Lucy and Olivia spent time cleaning up the kitchen before getting ready for bed.

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