Lucy's Confession

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With Angela, Nyla and Lucy

The girls stood there in silence for a few minutes before...

Nyla: "Lucy are you okay? You don't appear to be your cheerful self and you've been like this for a couple of months now."

Lucy: "Everything is fine. I'm okay."

Angela: "Then what happened to your eye? You have got a bruised eye."

Lucy: "It was from a suspect yesterday."

Nyla: "Okay ... You -" She was interrupted by Angela's phone going off.

Angela: "Luce, it's time to come clean. We don't know what is going on but apparently Olivia confessed to Grey about something."

Lucy: "Why did she-"

Nyla: "What do you mean? If you asked her to stay quiet about something, she has decided to tell someone to protect you. That girl cares so much about you and wants you to be happy."

Lucy: "Fine, can you get me a makeup wipe and are you okay if I take my shirt off?"

They both nod and bring her the makeup wipes. She starts removing the makeup to reveal the bruises. When the bruises are seen by the girls they were shocked. After Lucy finished, she had her head down worried about what the girls were going to say. Angela makes the first move, she gently puts her hand on Lucy's cheek that has the black eye.

Angela: "Oh Lucy, it's okay you're safe. Can you look up at us?" Lucy lifts her head to reveal all the bruises she had.

Nyla: "Oh Lucy, what happened? Please tell us the truth you can trust us."

Angela: "Yeah, we care about you so much and your our best friend."

Lucy: "Chr--, Chris did it."

Nyla: "What did he do to you?"

Lucy: "He came home drunk one night a few months ago and started going at me because I don't know who Olivia's father is. He slapped me across my face then grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me against the wall. He then dragged me to my room where he undressed me then raped me, after about two hours he started to hit and punch me, then after an hour he left. That happened for a week, then that night he did the same again but this time Olivia came in and stood up to him. She was speaking her mind to him and defending me, he got super mad at her and pulled the 'you don't know you father' card, she went off at him saying that I was enough for her. He didn't like this then he slapped her across the face leaving a mark straight away, I told him to leave her alone then he punched me one more time, then he left that night."

Lucy started to choke up and continued: "Last two months he would hit Olivia whenever she disobeyed him, then last night the abuse increased. He gave me this black eye, then turned Olivia and undress her and raped her. I tried to get him off her but I was so weak that I couldn't protect her. After he finished then he hit us a couple more time and left. Then I went over to comfort Olivia as she was terrified about what just happened."

Angela: "OMG Lucy, why didn't you come to us straight away?" Lucy was scared to tell.

Nyla: "Lucy, it's okay. We're not going to judge and we're not here to hurt you."

Lucy: "Because he said that he would kill Olivia in front of me then kill me if I told. He also said that he would post online about how I am a slut that sleeps with a guy, then gets pregnant and don't know the father of the child."

The girl both went and gave Lucy a hug. Lucy just broke down in their arms.

Nyla: "He's not going to hurt you guys as grey has issued a BOLO for Chris's arrest. Everyone is out there looking for him as we speak."

Lucy: "He-, He's still in/around the station."

Nyla: "How do you know?"

Lucy: "Because he wanted me to ask for the day off and to go home. Since I haven't left yet, he will be hanging around here until I leave."

Angela got officers to search the building and they found Chris and placed him in the holding cell.

Nyla: "You were right. We need to take some pictures of the marks and bruises." Lucy nods as they took the photos. Once finished ...

Angela: "Just changing the subject, why does it bother me that I think Olivia kinda looks like Tim?"

Nyla: "Same here."

Lucy: "I don't know. Replaying that night at the bar six years ago, the guy looks so much like Tim. I think it could be Tim, but I'm not to sure."

Angela: "We could do a DNA test to confirm." Lucy nods her head. The girls walk out of the room, Lucy had her head down so no one would notice and the girls had an arm each around Lucy comforting her as they head to Grey's office.

As they were about to walk in. Grey and Tim walked into the bull pen with Olivia. Olivia saw Lucy and yelled "Mum!" Lucy lifted her head and saw Olivia and ran to her giving her a tight hug.

Olivia: "Mum, are you okay?"

Lucy: "I am now. They have arrested Chris. Where have you been?"

Olivia: "At the hospital getting a rape kit done. I wished you were there but Grey and Bradford both held my hand during the whole thing. Also before we left, Tim thinks that you and he hooked up six years ago."

Lucy: "What?"

Tim: "Yeah, I was drinking at a bar when this women came over and started chatting, then her and I started doing the yk yk."

Angela: "You guys know there is only one way to find out, right?"

Wade, Nyla, Angela, Tim, Lucy and Olivia all went to the hospital and ordered a DNA test. Wade demanded a rush on the test and the doctor agrees.

The results were in and the test revealed that Tim ...

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