Good News

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They say at the same time: "Lucy, you are pregnant."

Lucy: "Oh my gosh, how am I going to tell Tim."

They go back to work and as the shift finishes. Tim gathers Nyla, Angela and Grey together.

Tim: "So, I want to propose to Lucy after shift her today and wanted you help to get everything ready. I have Olivia distracting Lucy now." They all are excited and help him get prepared or it.

After Shift

Angela: "Hey Lucy, we need your help with something in the roll call room."

Nyla and Angela walk Lucy over with Olivia to the room. As they walk in, Lucy's eyes light up.

Lucy: "What's all this?" Turning around to admire the decorations and when she stops, she sees Tim on one knee and starts to tear up.

Tim: "Lucy Chen, when we first met our relationship was rocky. But as I got to know you, I saw how caring you are and how much you have helped me. When I met our daughter, my heart just melted at the sight of a lovely girl. She is so much like you in so many different ways and I love it. I'm the luckiest guy in the world right now and I have the best family a man could ask for. I promise to love, to care and to protect you and Olivia for the rest of my life. So the question I'm asking is, Lucy Chen will you marry me?"

Lucy: "Yes Tim, a billion times yes." Tim puts the ring on her finger and they kiss.

Lucy: "But now I have something to tell you." Tims smile turns small fearing the worst that could have happened. Lucy continues "I hope you like being a dad to Olivia."

Tim: "Wait are you?" Lucy nods and Tim responds "Yes, I can't wait to have a kid with you and be there to help you through everything." Tim picks her up and spins around kissing her, as Tim put her down Olivia runs up and hugs them both tightly.

Everyone congratulates them and they all leave. That night, Tim and Lucy did yk yk to celebrate the engagement and Lucy's pregnancy announcement. 

8 months later

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