Dinner Date

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Tim: "Good Evening Lucy."

Lucy: "Hey Tim, glad you could make it."

They all sit down and start eating dinner, Tim couldn't keep his eyes off of Lucy and also focused on Olivia. They were chatting and finished dinner. Olivia went to take medicine for her bruises as they started to hurt, when she got back Tim gestures to her to come over. Tim picks up Olivia and places her on his lap.

Tim: "I'm guessing those bruises are hurting, I have some medicine you can try." She nods and then Tim gets closer to her and starts kissing each bruise on her face, she starts giggle at the feel of this. Lucy is watching for the other side of the table in awe at the sight.

Lucy: "I didn't know you were a softie."

Tim: "Only to the girls I'll willing to protect and care for." Olivia gets the hint.

Olivia: "Okay, I'm going to bed. Two to enjoy yourselves but please do not make too much noise. Night."

Tim & Lucy: "Night." They hug her and she goes to bed.

Tim: "So ... what would you like to do"

Lucy walks closer to Tim, gently pulling his face to hers and gives him a kiss on the lips. They pull away, Tim looks at Lucy and slightly moves his head to expose his neck. Lucy moves to his neck as he feels her warm breath on his neck, Lucy starts kissing and sucking Tim's neck.

Tim hesitates to grab her and pick her up, Lucy see this and says to him "it's okay, you can do it. I feel safe and comfortable with you." Tim smiles as he gently picks Lucy up and she wraps her leg around his waist as her arms wrap around his neck. They start kissing as Tim walks to her room, Tim shuts the door and gently pins her against the door. Tim starts unbuttoning his shirt as Lucy helps him and his shirt comes off. Tim gives Lucy 'are you sure' look and she nods as know knows what he is trying to say with his eyes. Tim helps Lucy take her shirt off and his in awe with how perfect her body is and saw more bruises, so Tim make sure that with everything he does that he is careful so he doesn't hurt her. Lucy knows that he is making sure he is being gently and she is grateful for this.

They continue kissing as Lucy places her feet back on the ground, they pull apart and just admire each other's body. Lucy slowly and sexy walks over to her bed and start pulling her pants down only leaving her underwear on, Tim does the same. Lucy sits down on her bed as Tim walks over. Lucy asks Tim "sir, this just isn't going to do, am I allow to remove these?" Tim nods

As the underwear are coming down, Lucy sees his size and how hard he is. She loves to view she has, slowly bringing her lips to his tip and grabs his dick with her hands. She kisses his tip, this sends shivers up his spine as she then moves to open her mouth and starts sucking on him. He starts to groan softly as she goes faster and faster, then Tim lets out a little moan as he pre cums. He then squats down in front of Lucy and starts kissing her.

He looks at her to make sure she is still okay with this, then he start kissing down her face to her neck where he starts kissing and sucking it, Lucy lets out a small moan. While he is kissing her neck, one of his hands unclips her bra. As the bra falls down, he starts kissing down her chest to her breast. He admires them for a second before he starts sucking one and using his other hand to play with her other breast, this makes Lucy let out another soft moan.

After a little time he starts kissing his way down her stomach, every bruise he sees and gives them a little kiss. Lucy lets out little giggles as he does this. Once he reached her underwear, the looks up at Lucy and says "this clearly won't do, time for them to go." He slowly starts taking her underwear off then starts kissing down each leg until he reaches her pussy.

At this point, she is dipping wet and enjoying everything that Tim is doing to her. Lucy was thinking to herself 'he is so sweet, always making sure I'm okay before he continues. I love how much he cares about me.' She is smiling at Tim and he smiles back at her.

He slowly moves his mouth to her pussy, letting his tongue graze over it and getting to taste her. She giggles as he then starts to rubbing his tongue over her, gently increasing pressure and increases speed. This make Lucy start moaning, then he focuses his tongue on her clit as he puts a finger in her slowly move it back and forth. Lucy continues to moan in pleasure as Tim then puts a second finger in and slowly increases the speed until Lucy starts cumming over his fingers. Once she has had an orgasm, he licks her one final time then moves back up and kisses her on the lips passionately while his dick was resting on her pussy.

Their eyes lock as Tim slowly put his dick into her pussy and her breath hitched when this happened. He starts off slow and gentle allow her to embrace his size, they start kissing as Tim increase the speed slightly.

She pulls away from him as she starts moaning.

Lucy in between moans: "Tim, you can go faster. I'll promise to let you know if it hurts."

With this Tim starts going faster and they both start moaning. Tim move one hand on her clit and starts rubbing it, this action filled her up with so much pleasure that she was having an orgasm. Tim helped her ride it out. Tim says "shit, we didn't use protection. I'll go to the bathroom to finish."

Lucy: "It's okay, we already have one kid. I'm ready for round 2." Tim smiles as you rolls onto the bed laying on his back, he helps Lucy onto his lap and stick his dick back into her. In and out faster and faster, Lucy moans "mmm ... yes daddy ... fuck me harder," Tim goes harder and her moans are loud so he starts kissing her to muffle her moans, their tongues touch with every kiss. As they pull away they both start moaning, Lucy whispers in his ear "I want you to cum inside me." As they continue, they both release at the same time and they start hugging each other like that for a little bit.

After a little bit, they both go for showers and get into bed. 

Tim: "Mmm, that was amazing." He looks at his phone and at the time. "Shit, I should be leaving to go home."

Lucy: "Why don't you stay? I like having you with me as I feel a lot safer."

Tim: "Okay, come here." They cuddle and go to sleep in their embrace.

In the morning ...

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