First Day

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Back to the first day as rookie.

Now Olivia is five years old, and has been the best daughter for Lucy.

Lucy: "Olivia, honey we got to get ready for school and work."

Olivia: "Yes, mum. I'm almost finished."

As Lucy went to walk into Olivia's room, Olivia was walking out.

Lucy: "You ready for school." Olivia nodded. Lucy sung out for Jackson to let him know they were leaving. As they headed out the door to the car. Lucy drove to Olivia's school.

Lucy: "Ok sweetie, enjoy your first day at school, be safe ... And Liv if you need anything get the school to give me a call, I love you."

Olivia: "Okay mum, I will. Please be safe for your first day. I love you too!" Olivia got out of the car and waved back at the car and walked in.

10 minutes later, Lucy's car break down a block from the station. A random guy starts hitting and her and she arrested him before her first shift.

She went to the lockers, got dressed and headed to roll call where she saw Jackson and John. She sat down and said hello.

Sergeant Grey, walked in and did his introduction. "Now time for us to play officer match up. Our rookie contestants are Lucy Chen who made her first arrest before clocking in, Jackson West who broke all his dad's records in the academy and John Nolan who was born when disco died. Now our training officers contestants are Talia Bishop, Angela Lopez and Tim Bradford."

There was a moment of silent then Grey continued "Bradford you get our hot shot, Lopez you get our legacy and that leaves Bishop with our oldest rookie. Now everyone is dismissed expect you rookies." After everyone left, the rookies and Grey had exchange more words before they were dismissed.

As Jackson and John left, Lucy asked to have a word with Grey.

Lucy: "Can I speak to you for a moment."

Grey: "Yes you can. What's up"

Lucy: "I know that you might not care but I wanted to give you a heads up. I have a five year old daughter that I take care of, her father isn't in the picture and none of my family is supportive of me and they would not help take care of her."

She took a small breathe before continuing, "I'm not asking for any kind of special treatment but if her school calls me, would I be able to go and check up on her?"

Grey: "I'm so sorry for you situation. That will be fine. Until you're comfortable sharing with others I'll help you cover when you need to go to her. I really do appreciate you coming to me and asking, also do not hesitate to approach me if you need a hand as I have a daughter of my own."

Lucy: "Thank you so much, sir. I better get going before my TO washes me out for taking so long."

Grey: "Yeah you better, also I will not let him wash you out for this moment as you were here with me."

Lucy nod and leaves. She grabs the gear and head to the shop.

Tim's POV

I'm waiting for Grey to finish with the rookies. I was talking with Bishop and Lopez about their first impressions of the rookies.

When I looked up and saw West and Nolan walk out. I asked "Where's Chen?"

Jackson: "She asked Grey to have a talk, Sir."

Tim: "Why. What's so important?"

John: "Sorry sir, we cannot share that information."

I just rolled my eyes after speaking to the other rookies. I headed to the shop to wait for her.

Back to POV

Lucy walks into where the shop was parked. Tim turned and said "about time, you're lucky I'm not going to wash you out." This scared Lucy and she said "I'm sorry sir."

Tim gave her the walk around the shop and protocol. Lucy barely made eye contact with Tim.

Lucy thought: "omg why does he look so familiar."

Tim thought: "this rookie reminds me of someone I had meant a long time ago."

Once they got in, they left the station and headed to the streets.

*The rest of the day went the same way as the show; Tim making Lucy walk outside the shop and Tim getting shot.*

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