Officer Chen

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The next morning, they all wake up and get ready to head to the station. Once they arrive at the station, they walk in holding hands and Olivia is on Tim's back. Tim and Lucy completely forgot no one knew they were dating. As they all walk into the bull pen; Nyla, Angela and Wade all notice this and walk over to them.

Angela: "What are you guys doing?"

Tim and Lucy look down and see their hand still joint together, they quickly move their hands.

Lucy: "Nothing ... Nothing is going on."

Nyla: "Don't try lying to detectives and the watch commander."

Olivia pipes up: "Seeing as they're not saying I'll say it, they're dating."

Grey: "We knew it. Lucy, I'm so happy for you and Tim, you better keep my daughter safe."

Tim: "Yes sir I will."

Angela: "Aww Tim, Lucy has made you go soft. You're more happier with Lucy than you were with all your other exes."

Tim: "Ha ha, funny."

One months later

Tim and Lucy head to the station with Olivia (as they decide to homeschool her). They have been dating for a month now and are very happy.

Grey, Angela and Nyla were setting up roll call as they have very good news. Everyone arrives and gets ready for the shift, Olivia joins in on roll call like always. 

Grey: "Ok, settle down everyone. We have a lot to get through. today." He explains all the assignments for the day then...

Grey: "Before I dismiss you, I have some very good news. Office Lucy Chen, you took you detectives exam a month ago and I have you results." Lucy heart sank as she was nervous to hear the results.

Angela: "Officer Chen or should I say Detective Chen come up and receive you badge."

Lucy got up and everyone clapped for her. When she reached the front; she shook Grey's hand, gave a hug to Angela and Nyla. When she approached Tim she gave him a kiss on the lips and hugged him.

Grey: "Everyone dismissed and stay safe."

The gang stayed to finish congratulating her. As they go to walk out, Lucy ran off to the bathroom.

Nyla: "What was that about?"

Grey: "Olivia, Angela and Nyla go see what that is about?"

With Tim and Grey

Tim: "Sir, I have something I would like to ask you."

Grey: "Ok Tim, ask away."

Tim: "Well seeing how Lucy sees you as a father figure, I am coming to you to ask for your blessing to propose to her."

Grey: "Omg, that's amazing. You have my permission but you will need to ask Olivia."

Tim: "Yeah, I will when she comes back. I also want to do it at the station but I don't have a ring."

Grey: "Well, let's go ring shopping."

They leave the station.

With the girls

Lucy reached the bathroom and goes to throw up in the toilet. As the others walk in they heard her throwing up. Angela goes over to hold her hair, Olivia start rubbing her back and Nyla busy making sure no one was in or coming into the restroom.

Angela: "Are you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah, I think but it-" was throws up again.

Nyla: "How long have you been feeling like this?"

Lucy: "It started a few days ago, I thought it was nothing but now I'm unsure."

Angela and Nyla both look at each other.

Nyla: "Have you and Tim had sex?"

Lucy: "Yes, the first time when we started dating and then a couple time since then. OMG I'm late."

Angela: "I have a test in my locker, Olivia can come with me to get you your civilian clothes now you a detective."

They leave and they get to the lockers when Angela's phone start going off. It's Tim FaceTiming her.

Angela: "Hey Tim, what's up?"

Tim: "Is Olivia with you and if so can you put her on?" Angela passes her phone to Olivia.

Olivia: "Dad, what's wrong and where are you?"

Tim: "I'm out shopping for a ring, but there is a reason I am ringing. I love your mum so much and care about you both, I am asking for you permission to propose to your mum and marry her becoming a family."

Olivia: "OMG yes dad, you have my permission."

The call ends and they go back to Lucy. She is feeling much better and the girl pass her the test as well as her clothes. She shuts the door, after a few minutes she opens the door.

Nyla: "Well, what does the test say?"

Lucy: "I have two minutes on the clock and I'm too scared to look."

Angela: "How about we look and tell you?" She nods. The timer goes off and the girls look. 

They say at the same time: "Lucy, you are..."

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