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Everyone arrives at the reception, the DJ welcomes Tim and Lucy in.

Everyone is cheering and congratulating them as they made their way to the dance floor for their first dance. Everyone watches in awe. After they finish their first dance, Lucy and Tim looked over at the three girls.

Tim (grabs a mic): "Girls, could you please come over here." They make their ways over to their parents.

Lucy: "Would you like to do a daddy daughter dance?" As Lucy grabs Hope from Olivia.

Tamara and Olivia: "Yes pleaseee." Lucy walks back allowing for them to dance, as they dance along Lucy starts tearing up and Grey walks up to her.

Grey: "Their adorable together. I hear to ask if you would like a dad daughter dance? I know I'm not your father but I'm open to a dance and don't worry little Hope can tag along."

Lucy: "Yesss! I always dreamed about dancing with my father, but seeing as my parents don't care about me then I'll do the dance with my actual father."

Grey leads Lucy and Hope to the dance fall, they start dancing along side Tim and the others. Everyone else starts to dance. 

After 20 minutes everyone sits down at their tables.

At Tim's and Lucy's table

Nyla and Angela sat to the left of Lucy and Wesley and Grey at to the right of Tim.

Grey and Wesley make their Groom's man speech.

Wesley: "We have know Tim and Lucy for a while, at first they hated each other so no one would have though that they would ever get together."

Grey: "As Lucy's rookie year went on nothing changed. I started to notice a change in Tim's attitude towards Lucy, I do apologise about mentioning this when Lucy was kidnapped. He saw raw emotions towards her, blaming himself and wanted to go kicking doors down to find her."

Wesley: "The fact that after that Tim started easing his TO training style to adapt with what happened. After that day Tim has always cared about Lucy and I know he always will."

Grey: "We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to see you grow together. We also cannot wait to meet the new boot of the Bradford family."

Lucy hugs Wesley and Grey while Tim gives them a handshake and then a 'guy hug.'

It's Nyla and Angela's turn to their speech.

Nyla: "Well the guys want to go first for their speech. We basically have the same thing to say."

Angela: "Tim has always been like a brother to me, I watched him over the time as his feelings towards Lucy changed. Lucy you are the best thing that has ever happened to Tim, you've made him change in a positive way and broke down the walls that he had built up. But I knew something was going to happen when we met Olivia. The way Tim has taken her in even though he hasn't been there for most of her life. I knew you guys were meant to be."

Nyla: "Lucy, you have been through hell and what you have gone through would have broken most girls. I know you had moments where you wanted to give up and moments where you didn't think anyone cared, but as time went on you allowed all of us to help you. Tim was the one that broke your walls and he will always be there and if not he will be dealing with us."

Angela: "Lucy, you are such a strong woman. We both cannot think of anyone else we love to have apart of a detective trio and a sister to us like you are. We might not have told you but we love you and you're our sister, through our actions it could show but we didn't make it obvious as we didn't know how you would feel about it."

Lucy jumps up and hugs them and says "OMG, I have always wanted a sister, plus I always look up to you guys as I thought of you as my sisters. I love you guys." Tim gets up and hugs them.

They cut the cake and everyone is sitting down eating and Tamara and Olivia with Hope approaches the front of the room.

Tamara: "I know everyone is eating, so we have decided to do a quick speech." Everyone looks over while eating.

Tamara: "I have known Tim and Lucy for awhile and have watch them grow. They have accepted me into their lives with open arms and have always helped me."

Olivia: "I always thought that I would never meet up dad, but I was so wrong. Dad made his way into our lives and helped my mum with raising me. I'm so happy to have some that I trust and loves me, I have become so protective when it comes to mum dating due to her pass but my father is so different. He cares so much for her and he ensures me that he doesn't want to leave us alone and promise to never leave us again.

Tamara and Lucy: "We love you so much." Tim and Lucy got up and made their way to the girls and they all hugged. Once they release from the embrace everyone hears Hope coo.

Hope: "Mama ... Dada." Everyone stood there is shock and then cheered.

Tim: "My baby, baby girl has said her very first words. I'm the happiest father and husband ever.

Everyone partied the night away and all went home.

The next morning, Tim and Lucy takes the girls to Angela's for her to baby sit. The Bradford's went to Paris for their honeymoon and a week later returned home.

They return to work and everyone is carrying on with their work and lives. The gang are constantly hanging out any chance they get.

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