Family Bonding

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Tim wakes up first and looks down.

Tim thoughts: 'Omg, I am one lucky man. How could anyone want to hurt Lucy? She is amazing and I am never leaving her, I care too much for her and our daughter. I am in love with this girl and -'

Lucy wakes up and interrupts Tim's thought saying "Good morning handsome."

Tim: "Good morning beautiful."

As they started talking about last night, Olivia sneaks in and jumps on the bed. Olivia says surprisedly "Dad, what are you still doing here, I thought you went home."

Tim: "Nah sweetie, you mother and I got talking and I stayed the night." Olivia smiles

Lucy: "Okay now our girl is here, I have a question to ask." Tim and Olivia both go quiet as Lucy continues "Tim, I love you so much ... Now my question is would you like to move in with me and Olivia? And if you want we can also move between your house and my apartment."

Tim: "I love you too Luce. I would love to move in with you, plus I can rent my house out to Tamara so she has her own place. I'll move in as long as it is okay with Olivia as she has become super protective over you. So Olivia, what do you say?"

Olivia: "Yes, I would love to have you around. I finally have my father in my life and I know he will keep me safe. You're so gentle with mum, allowing her to do things at her pace when she is ready. You make her so happy since everything and I know you will protect her with all your strength."

Tim and Lucy seal the deal with a kiss and then they all cuddle in bed for a little while long, then they all get up and dressed. Tim and Lucy both have the day off, so they all spend the day doing things as a family and bonding over the day.

After they day is finished they go to bed that night.

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