The Abuse

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After some time, Lucy and Chris were going good. It felt right and Lucy was happy. Olivia did not fully trust Chris after what happened last time Lucy went out with a guy. All the other couples are going well, until one night a few months later ...

One night, Lucy was getting Olivia (who now is six years old) ready for bed when Chris walked through the door. Chris was super drunk and was very angry. 

Chris said angrily "Lucy ... come here now!"

Lucy quickly turned a movie on for Olivia to watch hoping that the movie would drown out any noise. Lucy walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Lucy: "Hi honey, welcome home."

Chris yelled: "Do not honey me. When are you going to tell me who Olivia's father is?"

Lucy softly replies: "Babe, as I keep telling you I don't know who her father is."

Chris yelled: "That's not good enough, you should know who you fucked to have that kid."

Lucy started crying softly at this comment. Chris slaps Lucy across the face which made her say 'ouch'. Chris didn't care, he grab both of her wrist and pin her against the wall. He yelled "okay, you slut if that is how you want to play this then let's go." Little did Lucy know Olivia heard everything.

Chris dragged Lucy to her room and pushed her onto her bed. Chris then starts undressing Lucy, while Lucy told Chris to stop he continues to take her clothes off. Lucy wanted this to stop, but then Chris puts his dick into her pussy and starts going in and out. He rapes Lucy for 2 hours, then he starts hitting and punching her. 

After an hour, Chris left. Lucy was crying and shaking; Olivia heard the front door slam shut and ran to Lucy's room. She walks in and says "mum ... are you okay? What happened to you?"

Lucy: "I'm okay sweetie, it's nothing. Come here." They hug and fall asleep.

The next day, Lucy woke up early to get ready for her shift. When she looked into the mirror she saw all the bruisers on her body, she applied makeup to the areas that other people would she. Olivia was also getting ready, they met in the living room and Lucy made Olivia promise not to tell anyone. They left for work, the day was another normal day.

A week later, the abuse is still occurring every night and Olivia was getting super worried about Lucy but didn't want to break her promise that she made to her mother. That night Chris came home again angry but he was very much sober, he found Lucy in her room where he forced her clothes off to have sex and then continued to hit her. Olivia heard all this again like every other night and she could hear her mum crying in pain, that's when Olivia left her room and went to Lucy room as she walked in see saw what was happening.

Olivia: "Hey, stop doing that. She doesn't deserve this because she has been nothing but nice to you and this is how you treat her."

Chris: "Fuck off you little bitch! Plus it's not my fault that she doesn't know who the fuck she had sex with to get pregnant with you. You should respect your elder's better."

Lucy was shook at this but couldn't say anything.

Olivia: "I'm not going to have any respect for a person that is hurting someone I care about. Plus I don't care about my father, my mum has raised me all by myself with help from her friends but she is the best parent I could ask for. Now please leave and don't come back." Lucy has a small smile on her face from what her daughter has said to Chris.

Chris approach Olivia "you a little bitch just like you mum and you need to be taught a lesson." Olivia was confused, Chris raised his hand and slapped Olivia twice across her face which hurt her but the red mark on her face. Lucy yelled "what the fuck leave her alone, she doesn't deserve that!" Olivia had watery eye and Chris walked over to Lucy and punched her one final time before he left.

Lucy: "Olivia, sweetie come here." Olivia ran over to Lucy.

Olivia: "Are you okay?"

Lucy: "I'm okay, but are you okay and thank you for saying what you said."

Olivia: "No problem at all, I'll be okay. Mum we got to tell someone."

Lucy: "No we can't, okay?" Olivia just nodded her head, they went to sleep and woke up the next morning to use make up to cover their marks up. They went to work like normal and no one suspected anything was wrong.

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