The truth

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At the hospital

Lucy arrives, they rush her into the examine room. Everyone slowly starts heading into the waiting room, then after about 5 minutes they all decided to go to the cafeteria for food.

Luna and Olivia arrive, they ask about Lucy and get told that she is still in with the doctors. So they go and get comfortable. Luna then needs to go to the restroom.

Luna: "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom, will you be fine or would you like to come?"

Olivia: "I'll stay here and wait."

Luna leaves. Olivia sits there and when she lets her mind wonder, she starts thinking of worst case scenarios in her head. That's when she starts shaking, panicking and crying as she was having a panic attack. She didn't know what to do or how to calm down and kept working herself up.

Tim and Angela then come back from the cafeteria, they see Olivia in the chair shaking. They walk over to her, and Angela says "hey sweetie, are you ok? Why are you here?"

Olivia: "Hi, I'm sort of okay. I just waiting here with my aunt because my mum is in the hospital."

Tim: "Where's your aunt."

Olivia: "She went to the bathroom, I'm just worried about my mum. I hope she is okay, she's all I have as my father isn't in the picture."

Angela: "I'm sure your mum will be okay."

As they sit with Olivia, Luna walks back in and Olivia sees her and runs up to her.

Olivia: "Aunt Luna ..."

Luna: "Hey sweetie, are you okay."

Olivia: "Yeah I'm okay, these nice officers were talking with me. Please DON'T LEAVE me alone."

Luna turns to Tim and Angela with Olivia in her arms: "Thank you so much guys. Olivia these officers are Tim Bradford and Angela Lopez."

Olivia: "Hi, I'm Olivia May C-..." 

As she went to finish introducing herself, the doctor came out to the officers to say that Lucy will be fine. Luna held Olivia back saying to wait for the officers to go through first. Everyone went through and spoke with Lucy; finally Tim, Angela and Wade walked in.

Angela: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Lucy: "I'm okay, a little shook up but I'm okay. Grey by any chance where is my ..." She looked around at Tim and Angela.

Grey: "I'll bring them to you." He walked out of her room to the waiting area, while Tim and Angela were confused with what they were talking about.

In the waiting area

Grey walked up to Luna and Olivia and says "Olivia, sweetie your mum is awake and wants to see you. I'll take you to her."

Before Grey had the chance to pick her up, she ran in the direction to Lucy's room. Grey followed up close behind. She ran to the door of Lucy room and yells (loud but not to loud) "Mama!"

Before Lucy could respond, Olivia had jumped onto her bed and gave Lucy a massive hug.

Lucy: "Hi sweetie, are you okay?"

Olivia: "I'm better now knowing you are okay."

Tim and Angela were seriously confused with what is going on. They look at each other then back to Lucy, where she total forgot that they were still in the room.

Tim: "Chen, who is this?"

Lucy: "Ummm ... this is my daughter Olivia May Chen, before you ask she is five years old."

Angela: "She seems like a sweet girl, but why does no one know you have a daughter. Can we contact the father to let him know what's going on?"

Lucy: "Um, Grey and the other two rookies knew. John and Jackson were there for me when I found out I was pregnant and helped me through the whole thing, they are still helping me till this day. My first day when Grey pulled us rookies aside I stayed back to just tell him the situation ..."

Tim starts putting the pieces together regarding her first day.

Lucy continues while hugging Olivia: "There is no need to contact the father, he isn't in our lives. 5 years ago; I met this handsome man at a bar, we hooked up and did the yk yk and left each other. I never caught his name or anything the only thing I know was that he was a police officer. We don't talk about this much as it is a sensitive matter, so it is only me and her. Grey and Luna have helped me out so much and always take great care of her."

Angela: "Oh my god, I didn't mean to overstep. She is well mannered. How did you get her to behave so well this quick at her age?"

Lucy: "I never had to teach her manners, as she grew up the manners followed with her."

Angela was stunned at all of this. Tim was gobsmacked at what was coming out of his Boot's mouth.

Hours went by and they continued talking. 

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