Father Time

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The results were in and the test revealed that Tim was her father.

She was so happy that she has found her father, but she didn't know how to act as she has never had a father figure in her life her life.

Olivia: "Mama, I am happy that we finally found answers about my father but I'm scared. I don't know what it is like to have a dad and I know much about him."

Lucy: "It's okay, this is going to be new as it will no longer be you and me. Now, you have a father that will protect you."

Tim is still shocked and worried as he doesn't want to be like his father. Angela picks up on his mood and whispers to him "I know your worried about being like you father with her, but your not. You will love and care for this beautiful girl like there is no one else in the world." Tim smiles at this comment.

Lucy: "Hey darling, how about to start easing your way into have a father. If it is okay with Tim, you and him could go on like a father daughter date and get to know each other."

Olivia: "Tim, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Tim: "Yes, of course. Where would you like to go?"

Olivia: "How about we go out for ice cream?" Tim nods as they leave together.

Lucy watches as they leave. She happy to have answers but she doesn't know how to feel.

Lucy: "Tim is such a softie."

Nyla: " You know that he actually isn't a softie."

Greg: "He is such a hard ass."

Angela: "Lucy, you know he is only a softie towards you. At first you both hated each other, but you have helped Tim through so much that has happened in his personal life. There was Isabel addiction, then his childhood trauma with is father and then trying to cheer him up after Ashley broke up with him."

Nyla: "She's basically saying that with everything that you have done for him he has developed a softie spot for you. Let alone, when you were kidnapped he blamed himself for you getting kidnapped. He was derailing himself with guilt. He literally smashed a guys head into their steering wheel trying to find answers to lead us to you."

Grey: "You might miss the point, that Tim nearly killed someone just to save you."

Lucy: " OMG, I didn't know all that. I remember once we spoke about it and I told him it wasn't his fault. But I didn't know how hard he took it. Plus all those things that I helped him with was that I'm his friend and that's what friends are for."

Angela: "Right now while talking about him, you're blushing a bit there girl. Wait hold on a second, do you have feelings for Tim?"

Lucy: "Ummm ... I think I do. After kissing him on the UC mission, I have been thinking about how supportive and gentle he is with me."

Angela goes up and hugs her and Lucy says "I can't tell him this, he probably doesn't feel the same way."

With Tim and Olivia

Tim and Olivia arrived at the ice cream shop, they ordered their ice cream flavours and went to sit down and wait. Tim pulled the chair out for Olivia, helping her up into the chair and pushed the chair in. She says "thank you Tim, you're such a gentleman." Tim smirked at her comment.

Tim: "Your are such a polite young lady. Your mother has done an amazing job raising you."

Olivia: "Thank you. So why did you never tell my mum your name?"

Tim: "The truth is I panicked, that night she was so amazing and polite. I didn't want to make her feel like I was taking advantage of her. By the way, I didn't think that I would ever see her again."

Olivia: "Yeah. Uncle Jackson and John both have told me how although I didn't have a father that my mum would always be there for me and always support me."

Tim: "That's nice of them. I know that I haven't been in your life at all and I don't expect you to accept me into your life yet, as I know how protective you have become for your mother. But if you want to keep going on these 'father daughter date' and get to know each other a lot better. Plus I will have a talk with your mother to organise some agreement with me paying childcare support."

Olivia: "I would love you get to know you more Tim and I think you better have a talk with mum as I'm getting a feeling from her. I do not want to ask her not after everything that has gone on."

Tim smiles at her, then their ice cream has arrived. They start eating the ice cream as Olivia moves the spoon away she had a bit of ice cream on her face and Tim just giggled at her.

Olivia: "What? What's so funny?"

Tim: "You got a bit of something..." he quickly dips his finger in his ice cream and pokes it on her face when he says "there!" She giggles as Tim does this, smiling ear to ear.

Olivia: "Seriously daddy, why did you do that?" Tim looked shocked and Olivia realised what she had said and continued saying "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me."

Tim: "It's okay sweetie, you can call me whatever and I promise you I'm not going to hurt you. I know what you are going through okay, you can come and talk to me about everything." Olivia was surprised at what Tim said. She didn't want to question it so she just nods her head.

They continue eating and talking, getting to know each other a little better and finishing eating their ice cream. They started to head back to the station.

Meanwhile With Lucy

Grey, Nyla, Angela and Lucy all returned back to the station after Tim and Olivia left. Grey assigned Lucy to Angela and Nyla for the rest of the shift. Lucy didn't want everyone staring and asking questions so Grey gave them permission to use an office to their work. Lucy was helping the girls with their cases, in return the girls were taking care of Lucy by applying the cream to the bruises and ensuring she was okay. While Lucy was assisting them with the cases, the girls were surprised with everything she was suggesting  to them.

Nyla: "Have you through about what you want to do within the department?"

Lucy: "Not really, I know that I can get offer UC work, but never really thought about what I want to do."

Angela: "You know, just spending the little amount of time we have today ... I reckon you could make a great detective."

Nyla: "I agree."

Lucy: "I mean maybe, but no one would agree. People probably think that because I couldn't keep my daughter and myself safe, how could I possible be a detective."

Angela: "That wasn't your fault, plus we both reckon you would be amazing as a detective. If you want to take the exam, Nyla and I will both back you."

Lucy gave a small smile to them and says "even if I want to take the exam, I have to wait for two years and a lot can happen in that time."

Nyla: "We have picked up on your skills a while ago, we spoke to Grey and suggested that you could be a great fit. He has managed to give you a chance to take the exam today."

Angela: "We know that you don't think that you're ready and you are wrong Lucy, you have killer instinct that we'll help you prepare then you have to go for the exam."

Lucy: "OMG, thank you so much. I would you guys be able to help me study if you're not to busy with these cases."

Nyla: "They can wait for now and Grey approved it, that was part of the reason we asked to have this room. We are happy to help you."

After an hour of study, the girls nod at Lucy to indicate that she is ready. They all leave the office and take Lucy to Grey's office for the exam.

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