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As she finished the exam, Tim and Olivia were walking into the station. She felt good about how she did well, then her and the girls walk out into the bullpen as Tim and Olivia walks in. Olivia was happy when she saw Lucy and ran across the room to her, she yelled "Mum!" By the time Lucy turned around Olivia was at her and they hugged.

Lucy: "How was your time?"

Olivia: "It was amazing, we are planning to go out again a little later. But he wants to talk to you first. I don't know why everyone says he's so mean, I mean his my father but he is such a big softie." The three girls all laugh as Tim approaches them.

Tim: "Hey guys. Hey Lucy, can we talk?" She nods as they go to his office (He is apart of metro now).

Lucy: "What would you like to talk about?"

Tim: "Okay, I know that I haven't been apart of her life at all. I would love to be apart of it, she is happy to spend more time with me. I was actually wanting to discuss childcare payments as you have worked so hard for the last six years to take care of her while I have done nothing. So, how would you like to sort it?"

Lucy: "Why do you want to pay child support? We both know a lot of cases that the other parent won't pay their support payment."

Tim says "it's only fair, and I do care about you a lot." Lucy was shocked by this and says "you care about me?" Tim responds "of course I do. I have always cared about you. Because I have feelings for you, I know you might not feel the same or want a relationship but I have liked you for a while." Lucy looks up at him and says "I have liked you for so long, it was part of the reason that helped me get through the abuse know that after everything that I would see you everyday."

They lock eyes on each other and they start kissing, Tim was cupping Lucy's face gently trying not to hurt her. Once they pull away, they hugged and Lucy says "Tim, I want to be with you. I'm worried that it will be hard as I have trust issues from everything."

Tim: "It's okay, take as much time as you need. I'll wait until you ready."

Lucy: "Are you sure?" Tim just nods back at her. He looks her in the eye rubbing his thumb gently over her cheek. He then takes notice of all the bruises on her face then, each bruise he rubbed his thumb over it and gently placed a kiss on them. She start to giggle as some of them tickled her. After he finishes, he looked back at her with a smile then press his lips against hers.

Lucy: "How about you come around tonight for dinner and we'll see how the night goes." Tim nods yes at this question and his eye lit up.

Tim and Lucy walks back to the group.

Lucy: "Olivia sweetie, I have invited Tim over for dinner tonight so you guys can catch up more."

Olivia: "Yay!"

Angela notices the smiles on both their faces and says "well, what has got you two so smiley and happy?"

Tim and Lucy: "Nothing, no reason."

No one says anything, when Grey tells them to all go home for end of shift. Lucy and Olivia arrive home and start preparing dinner for tonight.

Olivia: "Hey mum, you seem a lot more happier than this morning. Is there something going on with you and Tim? Please don't lie to me."

Lucy: "Okay. So, Tim confessed his feelings first then I confess my feelings. We kissed and hugged, then Tim started rubbing his thumb of each bruise on my face and also kissed them."

Olivia: "Aww mum, that's so sweet. He's really nice and I get the feeling he really cares about you. He is different than Chris and especially how he acts towards me is amazing."

Lucy: "So if we started dating, I have you permission?"

Olivia: "OMG yes, a million times yes."

The girls finish dinner as there was a knock at the door.

Olivia: "Can I get it?" Lucy nods with a smile. She walks over to the door and turns the door handle.

Olivia: "Good Evening Mr Bradford. Mum is in the kitchen and dinner is served."

Tim: "Good evening Miss Chen Jr, so formal. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Olivia: "Hey daddy." She run into an embrace with Tim, he puts her on his back like a piggy back ride and closes the door. He walks into the kitchen.

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