Olivia's Confession

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With Grey and Olivia

Grey: "Okay, take a deep breathe and they begin when your ready."

Olivia takes a breath and then starts speaking: "Ok, it all started a little over two months ago. One night mum and I were hanging out when Christ came home super drunk. He called out to mum to come down stairs, she quickly put a movie on for me to watch and left. She went to welcome him home when he started shouting at her, asking her if she knew who my father was and when mum told him the story he became super mad." She pauses for a breath before continuing.

Olivia: "He slapped mum across her face. She was so upset then he pinned her against the wall and called her a slut. He dragged her to her room. By this time, mum didn't know it but I heard everything that happened. Chris was taking her clothes off as she yelled at him to stop but he continued. He was raping her for two hours, in that time all I could hear was my mum pleading for him to stop. After the two hours, he started hitting and punching her which left bruisers on her body."

As she paused again, Grey's face was in complete shock and was worried about them.

Grey: "OMG, is there anything else that happened?" He was worried about what she was going to say next.

Olivia: "A week later, the abuse was continuing every night. It broke me seeing the aftermath of the night before. That night, Chris came home very much sober and fully aware of his actions. It was the same routine again, but this time I had enough of hearing my mum in pain so I left my room and headed to her room. I walked in and told Chris to stop as she doesn't deserve it, his responded with 'fuck off you little bitch'  and he went on about it's not his fault she didn't know who my father was." She breaths before telling what happened next.

Olivia: "I had enough so I told him that I didn't care about who my father was and that my mum was perfectly enough for me. I stood my ground, told him to leave and never to come back but he didn't take that so well. He said that 'mum and I needed to be taught a lesson' , he approached me and slapped me across my face, it hurt and left a mark instantly. Mum stood up for me telling me to leave me alone, he walked over to her and punched her one final time before leaving that night."

Grey: "This is not good at all. Is that why you are so jumpy?" Olivia shook her head no. Grey was shocked and part of him doesn't want to know what has happened next. 

Olivia: "In two months on and it was always the same. He started come at me and hitting me. Then last night me punched mum and gave her a black eye. He didn't think hitting me was enough so he forced himself on me and started raping me (Olivia was now tearing up). Mum tried her best to get him off me but she's so weak and he's so strong that she could help me. After he finished, he hit was for a little while longer than walked out the door. My mum was apologising to me for what happened as she didn't think Chris would come after me. Mum hasn't come to forward either because she wants to keep me safe and she doesn't want to be a burden."

Grey: "OMG, Olivia darling come here." Grey hugged her then said "I'm guessing that you are wear makeup to cover any bruisers." She nodded. Grey then continued "to save you and your mother, I need to see the bruisers as evidence and proof of abuse, if you okay with it?" She nods again, Grey passes her a makeup wipe and she wipes the makeup off. Grey sees her and his heart breaks to see the state that she's in. "OMG, this is horrible. I'm so sorry. But on another note you kinda look like an officer I know ... wait you look like Sergeant Bradford (at this time of this story Tim is now a sergeant).

Olivia: "What do you mean?" Grey looks at her before he continues, Tim walks past and sees Olivia then walks into Grey's office. Tim says "what the hell is going on?" Grey turns to Tim and then looks at Olivia. Olivia says "Chris has been hurt mum and I."

Tim: "Where is Lucy? I need to have a talk with her."

Grey: "She with Angela and Nyla, they're seeing if they can get a confusion out of her. But first thing is do you have a kid as Olivia kinda looks like you."

Tim looks a look at Olivia, he is in shock with what he sees then says "Six years ago, a night after one of my shift I went to a bar and was drinking. I was a bit drunk when I meant this wonderful and beautiful woman who was awaiting for her drinks, we got talking then one thing lead to another and we where kissing, then we started doing the yk yk in the bathroom. After we finished she asked me for my name and I freaked out as we did it with no protection. I told her it was a one night thing and that we would never meet again, looking at that night it was all a blur but now every time I rethink, things get clearer. I'm starting to think that girl from that night was Lucy." Grey texted Angela that Olivia told him what happened and she replied with an okay.

Grey: "Seeing as you were raped, we need to do a rape kit on you and we could do a DNA test to see if your Tim's kid."

Olivia: "I'll do the rape kit and don't I need my mum permission on the DNA test?"

Grey: "We'll get the rape kit done and see what Lucy confesses then we can do the DNA test."

Tim: "Okay that works. Olivia, I'm sorry this happened to you. Is it okay if I give you a hug?" Olivia jumps into Tim's arms for a hug, he was gentle not to hurt her and she hugged him tight. Once they finish their hug she goes to Grey for a hug. They take her to the hospital for the rape kit to be done.

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