Baby Chenford

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Lucy, Tim and Olivia have all arrived at the station (at this time Olivia is now 7).

Grey: "Hey guys. Lucy when are you going on maternity leave?"

Lucy: "I still have a few open case, once I go into labour then I'll take my leave." Grey just nods.

Everyone gets on with their day, as Lucy go up from her desk she felt a sharp pain but thought nothing of it. Later that day she goes to the locker room and the pain intensity increases causing her discomfort, which causes her to sit on the floor. As Angela walks and Lucy's water breaks but she didn't know, she sees this a runs over to Lucy.

Angela: "OMG! Lucy are you okay?"

Lucy: "I have a sharp pain in my lower back and I'm seriously uncomfortable."

Angela: "I think you're going into labour." As she points to the puddle on the follow. Lucy starts panicking as Angela calls Bailey in.

Bailey: "Hey, I'm here. Let's first put a sign on the locker room door to stop people from walking in and interrupting." The girls quickly put the sign up.

Lucy: "I need Tim! I can't do this without him." Angela quickly leaves as Bailey is setting up.

Angela: "Tim! Wait up."

Tim: "Hey Angela, what's up?"

Angela: "Follow me." Tim nods, looking confused as Angela takes him over to locker room. When they walk in, Tim sees Lucy and runs over to her.

Tim: "Luce are you okay? Has something happen to the baby?"

Lucy (in between the contractions: "Babe, I'm okay and the baby is going to be okay. You can check for yourself when it arrives."

Tim: "OMG, Luce it's really happening." Lucy nods.

After and hour and a half of labour, Lucy gives birth to a beautiful baby girl. Bailey wraps her in a towel and pushes her to Lucy. Tim is in awe with the sight and is speechless.

Angela: "Congrats Lucy, you did amazing and I'm happy to help you anytime."

Lucy: "Thanks Ang. Hello baby girl, welcome to the world. Tim would you like to hold her?"

Tim: "Sure, but I'm worried that I'll hurt her."

Lucy: "You won't. You're her father and if it makes you feel better I'll support your arms while you hold her to reassure you that you won't hurt her." Tim nods at what Lucy says.

Lucy passes the baby to Tim, as he moves closer to Lucy. She moves her hands on Tim's arm to ensure that their child is safe with him.

Tim: "I was wondering if we could call her Hope?"

Lucy: "I love that name. What about Luna Bradford for her middle and last name.?"

Tim : "That's amazing. Hey Angela, would you like to her baby Hope?" Angela says "sure" as Tim passes hope over to her. 

Lucy: "Ang, would you like to be her Godmother?"

Angela: "100% yes. I'd be honoured."

Bailey: "I have got an ambulance outside and they have brought the bed in so we can take you both to the hospital." They all nod as Lucy gets onto the bed holding Hope.

As she gets wheeled out through the bullpen; Olivia, Nyla and Grey run over in panic.

Grey: "Lucy, are you okay? What's going on?"

Lucy: "I'm okay, take a look for yourself."

They all look and congratulates her and Tim.

Olivia: "Mum, is that my baby sibling?"

Lucy: "Yes it is. You have a sister named Hope. Once we get to the hospital, would you like to hold her?"

Olivia: "Yes please."

They arrive at the hospital and everything is good. They arrive back home on leave; spending time together as a family and getting use to having a baby around. 

After three months, they have gone back to work. Grey has permitted them to bring Olivia and Hope to the station as their families don't want anything to do with them or even help them.

The gang has been super helpful with the girls and Lucy is beyond grateful for everyone.

The next day

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