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Things have been good lately. Baby Nia is one month old. Me and Edward got gifts for her when she was brought home from the hospital. She's just so cute when she bites her lower lip and kicks the air with her tiny legs. Edward also seems to love his little niece a lot. 

Last night, I binge-searched treatments for Lung cancer. And found some spine chilling treatments which eventually stopped me from having a look at my laptop again. But then, the finest treatment I found was a surgery with a complicated name. I asked Edward about it and he refused.

He said that it's risky for me, since my health was not always stable. In order to make it so, I was on medicines for most of the times. I tried convincing him that it will be fine but he wasn't paying attention to me. Again, showing his stubbornness with his smug attitude. I love it but hate it more.

I then decided not to talk to him until he agrees.

I didn't have food this night and ignored him. Right now, I'm in the veranda sitting on the swing that's barely moving. The door slides open and he steps in. I roll my eyes spring to leave, but the he grabs my arm casually and pulls me to face him "Why don't you understand?"

I glare at him "Why don't you let me go for this?" and then fold my arms in a defense attitude.

"Aw..." he says pinching my cheek "When you're angry you look so cute Sash-"

I slap his hand away "Not funny"

"Don't do this to me" he says softly with the little smile on his lips "You know how much I love you" then makes a puppy face which I compel myself not to fall for.

"Edward I love you too" I explain "Just imagine how easy my life would be without cancer"

"I don't wanna lose you"

"You're not losing me!" I grab his arms "Please! Understand!"

He furrows his brows and pouts. Like an angry kid whom you refused to give the ice cream.

"So if you undergo the surgery, will you start talking to me again?"

"Yes!" I exhale heavily as I really needed this "Yes of course!"

"Fine" I breathes out in low tones with half shut eyes "If you're so confident about it then fine. But I'm afraid if something..." I see his adam's apple roll down as he gulps. Worry, fear and anxiety is filled in his eyes, as if he wants to say something which is not suitable for the moment. And the only thing not suitable for the moment is refusing to sign the form given by the surgeons to claim that the blood relative or the spouse given the permission to perform the surgery and they will not be responsible for if something happens. Something wrong.

"It will be fine..." I whisper and place a hand on his warm cheek. He grabs my wrist softly and rubs his thumbs back and forth on it, shutting his eyes and relaxing for that moment. Then, our foreheads meet while out eyes are closed. I'm so close to him and I can smell his musky scent. We stay like that for a moment, keeping away all the anxieties haunting us and our rest.

"I'll kill you if you die..." he whispers.

"I'll then haunt you by becoming a spirit"

He slightly chuckles and so do I the very next moment. Then, we free our foreheads before his icy eyes scan my face for a notably long time.

"But on being serious..." he begins "I'll seriously die when you will"

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