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When she said that, I could already feel the best feeling inside my heart. I was so thankful that it was herself who asked for it. 

She was very nervous in her first session. She almost puked and cried. I tried assuring her but her psychiatrist told me to let her cry. Even I know I should but whenever she cries, I feel restless. 

The CBT, medications and those few weekly sessions were over. I could see her coming back to the old road. 

Today (3 days after the 6th session), we are going to the national history museum with Thea and her husband. I was shocked and happy at the same time when it was Sasha who agreed to go. 

It's a very cold and dull morning. It's looking dull but I can say that the weather is good. I walk in the bedroom and she pulls her socks above her legs. 

She looks cute like the little chubby Sasha she was when we first saw each other. 

Her hair is silky and open and she has two thin twin tails much behind the curtain bangs that curl inwards under her chin. She's wearing a jeans jumper above a white shirt. She stands up and looks at herself in the mirror brushing a hand down her jeans. Then she notices me and watches me from head to toe. 

I'm wearing a white cotton dress shirt below an ink blue sweater. And a pair of baggy jeans. 

"Shall we leave?" I ask grabbing my phone from the console against the wall. 

"Shall we? Let's leave!" she grabs her little purple leather backpack and wears it. She pushes her hair backwards and walks past me. Then she turns and drags me towards the entrance door. 


 Down the drives, she couldn't stop talking about the latest book she read yesterday. It's not annoying, I love it rather. I love that she's back. I want her to keep talking and never stop. I mean stop but talk for longer.

In the museum, she was very enlightened when she saw Thea and hugged her. I shook hands with Jerrick-Thea's husband. 

We watched many artefacts and fossils of the dinosaurs. She couldn't stop taking the pictures of them, tell us about them and grabbing my arm to take me to the mammals sections. She was so excited to see them. She brought her camera from which she had to urgently click pictures of her with the fossils(and not me) I clicked tons of photos. And I was ready to click a billion more. And even more. 

Thea and Jerrick joined us and then we went to the food court after seeing a few other artefacts. 


It's one of the best days of my life. I don't think I need the nest therapy sessions anymore. I feel confident and relaxed. I feel like I can actually approach people more confidently unlike the way I could after the incident. 

I still have to say. Edward is the best person ever happened me. I said it earlier and I will continue saying the truth. He's always my handsome prince charming. 

I put my backpack aside of me on the table. Edward and Jerrick went for getting the cold drinks we forgot to order earlier. We couldn't find the waiters so they just went to get them. 

"Hey, there's a surprise" Thea says excitedly. 

I smile lightly because she's grinning "Yeah? What is it?" 

"The movie shooting has begun!" she grabs my hands on the table and gives a light squeeze.

I'm confused which pins a frown on my face "What movie?" 

"Your movie" she repeats. 

My smile opens into a gape. A smiling gape. So wide that I don't notice until I feel the stretch of my skin on the corner of my lips "Really? When did you know about it?" 

"Everybody knows. It's just you left. I guess they sent you an email regarding it..." 

I quickly pull my phone from my backpack and turn on my Gmail. I have a few unread mails from my old company where I do not work anymore. Some mails from my old colleagues. And the latest one if form a movie producing company called Sonic movies. I click it. 

Dear Sasha Blaine,

We're glad to announce the first shooting day of your book which has been converted into a movie at the same time, it has been published for the book lovers. 

The cast of the movie are...

I hold my mouth and my eyes widen.

"Isn't it exciting? You're famous now. You can have your own book and even watch it in the cinema" 

I place my phone aside "I just can believe it!" honestly, it's like a dream come true. I don't think so I'll ever be able to take it as a reality of my life.

My is life is suddenly so amazingly amazing!

"Here are the drinks guys!" Edward brings the tray with cold drink bottles and places them on the table. "There you girls. Grab one" 

"You're having just a bit OK?" Jerrick warns Thea while sitting. She rolls he eyes "I've never had some, so I guess a bit of cold drink would do. Calm down Jerry!"

"Nope, I think you're having a bit only to avoid a stuffy nose" 

"Is everything alright guys? Are you not well?" Edward asks. 

"She has cold because she ate a tub of ice cream day before yesterday" Jerrick points at her while saying it. And then he says while looking at her "At night" 

"It's just a bit you guys" 

"I don't think a bit of could drink could harm much," Edward says while tearing the paper of his straw. He then crushes it and puts it in the tray. 

"It won't, just don't drink all of it" I grab mine and dip my straw inside. 

"Um...Jerry, why do like twisting stuff huh?" Thea nudges Jerrick's arm who's lip corners slightly lift while he bites the straw in his bottle. 

"Guys?" Edward asks awkwardly "Are we visible?" 

"The thing is..." she puts her bottle on the table "We're having a baby" 

I gasp and Edward chokes on his drink. I don't take a notice of that. I think he wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve. 

I'm about to jump in excitement "Tell me this isn't a prank" 

She shakes her head and a single laughs escapes her emotional face. 

"I mean," Edward coughs "You could've told that when I wasn't drinking" he points his bottle while coughing. 

"Forget it, Thea wants you both to name our girl"

"Yep, that's gonna be me!" I say clapping once "if you guys have a girl, you can name her..." 

We talk about the names. And then e talk about good places for baby moons. We talk about maternity stuff. Meanwhile, she asks me to allow her name my daughter. I glance at Ed when she says that but he was busy talking with Jerrick about stuff, so he didn't hear it. 

She then begins talking about Hazel's son and shows me some adorable pictures of him. He's just six months old. Jerrick and Edward talk about sports by then. And then, me and Thea begin our conversations about the latest fashion trends.

It all goes well. 

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