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I place the plate of fruit jam on two toasts with sliced oranges in front of her. I deliberately made that sound to wake her up and she jerks. I think it would be normal for her to jerk on negligible sounds because of...forget it.

"What do you want? Coconut juice?" I know she likes that juice for breakfast.


"Please tell me how to prepare that"

She slightly chuckles while tracing the wooden surface of the table with her index. I wanted to see her laugh.

"Shall I make some coconut juice for both of us?"

She nods blankly. Then grabs and bites a piece of toast. I hope she's not thinking about last night.

I pull the chair adjacent to hers and fall on it "Do you want to go for an outing today?"

She shakes her head while biting "I want to be at home with you"

"OK, then what about a movie? Shall we watch one?"

She gives it a thought. And then nods. But I can say she doesn't want to do anything. And that non-verbal yes was just because I asked. If it were the old Sasha, she would search about the latest movies in Google, fight with me over the choice of her movies because I only like action movies and she likes crime thrillers. She'd talk about them and explain how better they are, and never shut up.

I get up and enter the room, the blankets undone, pillows disarranged and both of them having several creases. The Carpet also out of its actual position.

I step towards and fix it. I fix everything.

I change the covers of the pillows, agitate the blanket and brush my palms against the soft surface of it to get rid of the obnoxious folds on it. With the help of my leg, the carpet is positioned again. And I also fix the stuff on the dressing table.

I used to do this when she'd get frustrated every morning and scold me for messing up the room. But this morning, she hadn't said a single thing. Unlike the usual mornings. It seems really strange.

I walk out of the room and find the plate with a very few crumbs on them. The glass with very little water at the end.

She's still sitting there. On the dining table with her head facing it. Her hands are folded on it in that stiff position and her fingers tapping against the surface.

I gently cup her shoulders and she shudders then pants.

"It's just me" I assure as she looks up with fear behind her eyes. I take a seat on the next chair.

She nods "It's just you"


It's just him. It's not Nick or Luca or Nola.

I haven't told him about the shredder. And how they killed Luna. I don't want to tell him. I want to forget whatever I saw. A head snapping from the body, it just can't be true. I like crime thrillers so I might be seeing things. I can't actually witness a horrible murder.

I can't.

I gulp as I feel weird sensations in my gut. I can't see anything clearly, as if the floor is getting slanting. I quickly grip his hand. It feels so safe when he's around. Because he won't burn me. He would embrace me with his warmth.

He won't abuse me. He would caress me.

He won't try to kill me.

He would love me.

I feel his other hand on mine. So warm. It doesn't feel like he's about to grip my wrist hard, rather I feel like my wounds are clearing up. When I look, he's afraid "Are you fine? Shall we go to the doctor?"

I shake my head quickly. I can't go to the doctor. They will harm him. I don't want to lose Edward "They said they will harm my family if I tell anybody" I have to avoid telling anybody else "Please don't tell anyone about it. Please. Please. Please. They will kill you. I don't wan to lose you, I love you so much!" I cry. I don't know what's happening to me but the tears are burning my eyes. And that burns wet them eyes more "Don't leave me Edward"

I feel it. I feel him pulling my head onto his chest and I slow down my quick breaths and whimpers. I rest my hands on his chest and breath slowly "Relax" his warm hand rubs my back. I feel good. I feel so much better than before.

Why is it so hard so forget the bad things happened to me?

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