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"What the hell have you send me you jerk?!" I scream over the phone call. I want to say so many things which might be inappropriate so I keep my words in control. I can't obviously scream like that.

"Calm down Sasha, don't get so cheesed off" he responds softly as if he really expects me to be calm in this situation "I haven't done anything...yet"

"You're a nutter!" I bark with more rage rising within my blood. I want to just smash his head with something fiercely, at least it would help me cool down.

"I'm not a nutter...Maybe you are. This is just a reminder for you if you ever try to provoke my girlfriend against me you crappy lady" Nick's voice is as calm as in the start "I had girlfriends? I cheated on them? The hell is any part of it true?" I start to hate this calmness.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shout again bursting my throat "I can do so much that you'll see your shitty crushed pieces from hell!"

"Wow! I'm scared, and I've never seen you cursing before"

I exhale out in intense wrath. He hasn't seen many of my forms. I can kill him in seconds. Maybe minutes or hours or days...but I really can. Or maybe can't. Forget it.

"I don't give a damn for whatever you wanna do Sasha, I can do so much that can be more painful than death" he warns in his cold voice "Sasha Blaine" he pressurizes each word of my name.

I give a short humorless laugh while nodding "You can do nothing as you're the criminal not me"

"So what about cheating on your husband... I haven't forwarded it to him yet"

My heart stops a beat "What? That thing has no significance for me now. Realize it before it's too late rather than sticking to an old so called assumption-"

"This assumption is true"

"It is NOT!" I pressurize that last word.

"Oh I see..."

"Where did you get it from? And...how did you know I was telling it to Luna?" I ask curiously.

"That's my completed assignment. Don't you worry" he replies casually. This casualty of his, boils up my blood like lava "Lemme just read it out for you. Dear diary, I feel bad for you as you can't experience a beautiful thing such a love. But I can help you share my experience with it. Nick Pierce, the most amazing guy I've ever met in my life-"

I cut the call and drop the phone on the bed in disgust. How the hell he got a hand of that shitty diary entry?

I'm done for it.

What if he sends it to Edward...?

No, no, no

I quickly call him back as my heart constantly slams against my ribcage and my face sweats. I wipe it with a hand and hold the phone to my ear while that hand is stuck on my lips. I stroll around the room until he picks up the call and when he does, I start firing the words "Hey Nick you're not gonna send it to anyone!"

"I won't" he coos "Just be careful in the interruption of mine and Luna's relation. I can do so much with this diary entry you have beautifully scripted out with these amazing lovey-dovey words and so much about me. I wonder how you've written it all like a novel-"

I cut the call and switch the phone off for a while. Even though he has said that he won't send it to anyone, I still have weird feeling that he will do this. I'm just sandwiched between should I still warn Luna to stay away from him? Or I shouldn't let him share the entry with Edward, that's to stay away from their relationship.

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